
文摘   2025-02-07 05:01   上海  



随着技术的进步,交付过程的简化、准确性和精密度的提高以及SRS/SBRT质量措施的标准化,使得更多的从业者能够更安全地交付SRS和SBRT bb0。尽量减少对正常组织的剂量是降低并发症风险的关键。尽管如此,我们对各种危器官(OAR)耐受剂量的了解相当有限,特别是在每剂量较高的情况下,这使得并发症的管理很重要。





放射性坏死(RN),被不良事件通用术语标准(CTCEA)第5版定义为“发生在大脑中的坏死过程necrotic   process occurring in the brain,)”,是辐射对中枢神经系统(CNS)最严重的晚期毒性之一。可能是由于研究人群、设计和中位随访时间存在很大的异质性,文献中报道的SRS治疗RN发生率差异很大,从3%到26%不等。

超过50%的坏死是有症状的。与RN相关的症状因病变部位而异,包括头痛、恶心、疲劳、轻瘫、感觉障碍和癫痫发作。虽然RN的中位发病时间为SRS治疗6-12个月,但RN可在SRS 治疗3个月至数年的任何时间发生。

虽然尚未完全描述RN如何发展的确切机制,但有两种主要模型试图描述RN的病理生理学:“神经胶质理论”和“血管理论”he “glial theory” and the “vascular theory.)。神经胶质理论认为,放射性坏死主要是由辐射引起的少突胶质细胞损伤引起的,从而导致脱髓鞘和坏死The glial theory purports that   radiation necrosis is largely driven by radiation-induced   damage of oligodendrocytes, resulting in demyelination and   necrosis)。根据血管理论,RN病理生理学的刺激事件是靶病变附近内皮细胞的辐射损伤()。由于凝血级联的激活,内皮受损导致微血管血栓形成。垂死的内皮细胞释放多种细胞因子和趋化因子,介导急性炎症反应,包括血管扩张和通透性增加以及免疫细胞的募集。由于内皮细胞的丧失和毛细血管通透性的增加而造成的血脑屏障的破坏导致水肿增加。募集的免疫细胞通过释放额外的炎症细胞因子和ROS,分别增加毛细血管通透性和介导内皮细胞进一步损伤,从而加剧水肿。[ Per the vascular theory, the inciting event in   the pathophysiology of RN is radiation-induced injury of   endothelial cells in the vicinity of the target lesion.    Damaged   endothelium results in thrombosis of microvasculature due   to activation of the coagulation cascade.    Dying endothelial   cells release a variety of cytokines and chemokines that   mediate an acute infammatory response involving increased   dilation and permeability of the vasculature and recruitment   of immune cells.    The disruption in the blood–brain barrier   due to loss of endothelial cells and increased capillary permeability results in increased edema.    The recruited immune   cells exacerbate the edema by releasing additional infammatory cytokines and ROS that increase capillary permeability and mediate further endothelial cell damage, respectively.]

内皮损伤的异常愈合导致血管的纤维化和闭塞。小血管因水肿而受压,小血管因纤维化而闭塞,内皮细胞丧失导致血管密度降低,微血管血栓形成导致脑缺血。缺血刺激血管内皮生长因子(VEGF)和缺氧诱导因子1 α (HIF-1a)的释放,导致代偿性血管生成;然而,新形成的血管是新的弯曲和渗漏,加剧了水肿。水肿和缺血恶化的恶性循环最终导致小血管纤维蛋白样坏死和脑实质坏死[Aberrant healing of the endothelial damage results in fbrosis and occlusion of the vessels.  Compression of small vessels   by the edema, small vessel occlusion due to fbrosis,   decreased vessel density due to loss of endothelial cells, and   thrombosis of the microvasculature results in brain ischemia.   Ischemia stimulates the release of vascular endothelial   growth factor (VEGF) and hypoxia-inducible factor 1 alpha  (HIF-1a), leading to compensatory angiogenesis;  however,   the new vessels formed are new tortuous and leaky, exacerbating the edema.  The vicious cycle of worsening edema and   ischemia ultimately results in fbrinoid necrosis of small vessels and brain parenchymal necrosis]。
