《Current Neurology and Neuroscience Reports 》杂志2022年6月29日在线发表美国Loyola University Medical Center的John P Leonetti 撰写的综述《头颈部副神经节瘤的神经病学表现。Neurological Manifestations of Paragangliomas of the Head and Neck》(doi:10.1007/s11910-022-01216-4)。
最近的发现:最近关于这些肿瘤的大多数出版物和研究致力于传统的和机器人图像引导的放射外科治疗头颈部副神经节瘤。副神经节瘤是一种罕见的、生长缓慢的头颈部肿瘤,通常会引起静默性颅神经功能障碍或代偿性轻度言语或吞咽症状(silent cranial nerve deficits or compensated mild speech or swallowing symptoms)。虽然放射影像学监测往往是最好的治疗选择,次全切除术与病例特异性放射手术是大肿瘤患者所常接受的。
肾上腺外副神经节来源于自主神经系统外周部分的神经嵴细胞(Extra-adrenal paraganglia are derived from neural crest cells often found in peripheral portions of the autonomic nervous system.)。在头颈部发现的这些细胞是由储存颗粒的主细胞和许旺样卫星细胞组成(Those found in the head and neck are composed of granule storing chief cells and Schwann-like satellite cells. )。主细胞含有儿茶酚胺,被认为有助于维持自主神经系统内的局部兴奋水平(The chief cells contain catecholamines which are believed to help maintain local excitation levels within the autonomic nervous system. )。头颈部副神经节瘤仅占该区域所有肿瘤的0.5%,可发生于头颈部的多种部位(图1)。绝大多数起源于颈动脉体、中耳(鼓室球)、颈静脉球或迷走神经(迷走神经球)[ arise from the carotid body, middle ear (glomus tympanicum), jugular bulb (glomus jugular), or vagus nerve (glomus vagale)]。本章将讨论这组肿瘤的神经学表现。
颈动脉体肿瘤起源于颈动脉分叉处的副神经节细胞(Carotid body tumors arise from the paraganglionic cells in the carotid artery bifurcation.)。巨大的肿瘤会包住颈外和颈内分枝,并危险地一路追踪到颞骨的颈动脉孔[Large tumors will encase both the external and internal divisions and can track dangerously close to the carotid foramen of the temporal bone]。鼓室球肿瘤起源于副神经节细胞,沿Jacobsen神经穿过中耳角(耳蜗基底转向)[Glomus tympanicum tumors arise from paraganglionic cells along Jacobsen s nerve crossing over the promontory (basal turn of the cochlea) in the middle ear.]。这些病变可以包裹听骨链,压迫鼓膜的内侧表面,很少侵蚀面神经鼓膜段的骨覆盖层(These lesions can encase the ossicular chain, press against the medial surface of the tympanic membrane, and rarely erode the bony covering of the tympanic segment of the facial nerve )。颈静脉球瘤起源于颈静脉球丘上的副神经节细胞。这些肿瘤可通过从下鼓室的向上生长而充满中耳(Glomus jugulare tumors arise from paraganglionic cells on the dome of the jugular bulb. These neoplasms can fill the middle ear via superior growth from the hypotympanum.)。较大肿瘤可向腔外压迫颈静脉球部,侵袭乙状窦腔及颈静脉,引起舌咽、迷走(CN IX,XI)神经逐渐麻痹[ Larger tumors can extraluminally compress the jugular bulb, invade the lumen of the sigmoid sinus and jugular vein, and cause gradual paralysis of cranial nerves IX XI.]。向外侧生长因侵袭面神经(CN VII)垂直段的内侧表面,可引起面部无力、抽搐或瘫痪[Lateral growth can cause facial weakness, twitching, or paralysis due to invasion of the medial surface of the vertical segment of cranial nerve VII]。向内侧生长可导致哑铃状肿瘤,伴经颈静脉孔向后颅窝延伸[Medial growth can result in a dumbbell-shaped tumor with posterior fossa extension through the jugular foramen]。迷走神经球肿瘤起源于迷走神经(CM X)的上段,可沿迷走神经向上、向下均可生长(Glomus vagale tumors arise from the superior portion of cranial nerve X.These lesions can grow both superiorly and inferiorly along the vagal nerve. )。迷走神经肿瘤向外侧生长可牵拉舌下神经(CN XII),向内侧生长引起颈内动脉向前内侧弯曲。[Lateral growth of glomus vagale tumors can stretch the hypoglossa nerve (cranial nerve XII,medial growth causes anteromedial bowing of the internal carotid artery]。
颈动脉体瘤(Carotid body tumors ,CBT)是一种位于颈动脉分叉处的无痛、并非不引人注意的肿块( a painless, non- discreet mass over the carotid bifurcation)。它们在垂直平面并非都是可移动的,在轴向上可移动性很小(these are not all mobile in the vertical plain and hypomobile in the axial direction. )。大多数CBT在其他方面无症状,但非常大的肿瘤可能导致任何后组颅神经(IX-XII)麻痹。
鼓室球瘤最初引起耳内充盈或压力,最终导致听力丧失和脉动性耳鸣(Glomus tympanicum tumors initially cause ear fullness or pressure with eventual hearing loss and pulsatile tinnitus. )。鼓膜内侧壁侧向生长导致耳镜检查发现脉动的微红色肿块,在正气压耳镜检查中变白色(布朗征)[Lateral growth against the medial wall of the tympanic membrane results in the otoscopic finding of a pulsatile reddish mass that blanches with positive pneumatic otoscopy(Brown’s sign)]。耳痛可能是由于Jacobsen神经刺激引起的,很少出现面部无力(Otalgia may be caused by irritation of Jacobsen s nerve, and facial weakness is rarely present.)。
于颈静脉球顶部经下鼓室向上生长,颈静脉球瘤的表现与鼓室肿瘤非常相似,(Glomus jugular tumors present in a very similar way as tympanicum tumors due to superior growth from the top of the jugular bulb via the hypotympanum. )。如果微红色肿块仅可见沿鼓膜下部,最有可能的诊断颈静脉球瘤(the reddish mass is only visible along the inferior portion of the tympanic membrane, glomus jugular is the most likely diagnosis.)。
较大的肿瘤可引起颅神经IX - XI逐渐麻痹,由于对侧后组颅神经代偿可能无症状。然而,仔细询问可能会发现一些轻微的问题,如吞咽和声音变化,喉咙发痒,肩膀虚弱归因于旧伤或关节炎(slight problems with swallowing and voice change, a “tickle” in the “throat,” and shoulder weakness attributed to an old injury or arthritis.)。如前所述,有可能出现面部抽搐或瘫痪,也有可能被误诊为“贝尔氏面瘫(Bell’s Palsy)”。
如果肿瘤阻塞颈静脉球而对侧静脉流出不足,也可发生患侧头(Ipsilateral headache may also occur if the tumor occludes the jugular bulb and contralateral venous outflow is inadequate.)。由于大规模向内侧延伸和第四脑室受压造成脑积水是非常罕见的,但可能危及生命(Hydrocephalus due to massive medial extension with fourth ventricular compression is very rare, but potentially life-threatening)。
迷走神经球瘤只有在颈部因不相关的原因进行CT或MRI检查时才能在早期得到诊断。相对隐蔽的起源位置、缓慢的生长和对侧声带代偿时间都可以解释在诊断时看到的大肿瘤。可能会出现轻微吞咽或声音改变的软度症状,但大多数患者是弥漫性和并非不引人注意的颈部充盈。非常大的病变会引起软腭和扁桃体周围黏膜向内侧移位,导致低鼻音,即所谓的烫山芋声(Glomus vagale tumors are only diagnosed at an early stage if a CT or MRI of the neck is ordered for an unre lated reason. The relatively hidden location of origin, slow growth, and time for contralateral vocal cord compensation all account for the large tumors seen at the time of diagnosis. Soft symptoms of mild swallowing or voice change may be present, but most patients are seen for diffuse and non-discreet neck fullness. Very large lesions cause medial displace- ment of the soft palate and peritonsillar mucosa, resulting in a hyponasal, so-called hot potato voice.)。
许多无症状患者是由麻醉医生或牙医碰巧因为不相关的原因检查口咽首次得到诊断的。与巨大颈静脉肿瘤一样,迷走神经球病变可引起任何颅神经IX-XII组合瘫痪并伴有霍纳氏综合征(many of these asymptomatic patients are first diagnosed by anesthesiolo- gists or dentists who happen to be examining the oropharynx for unrelated reasons. As in massive jugular tumors, glomus vagale lesion may cause paralysis of any combination of cranial nerves IX XII along with Horner s syndrome)。
头颈部副神经节瘤的诊断依赖于肿瘤的临床表现和解剖位置。已知有遗传家族倾向的患者多中心性、双侧性和恶性的风险都较大(The risks of multicentricity, bilaterality, and malignancy are all greater in patients with known heredofamilial tendency)。虽然儿茶酚胺的合成和分泌可以发生在任何副神经节瘤,这种风险较大的患者多发的头部,颈部和颈部外的肿瘤。对于难以控制血压、心律失常、腹部痉挛或无症状的家族性、多中心型肿瘤患者,应测量血清和尿液儿茶酚胺(Serum and urine catecholamine should be measured in patients with difficult to manage blood pressure, cardiac arrhythmias, abdominal cramping, or asymptomatic patients with familial, multicentric tumors )。应在有选择的多发头颈部副神经节瘤患者中使用奥曲肽扫描,用于检查机体是否有神经内分泌肿瘤细胞,以鉴别无症状的颈外肿瘤(Octreotide scanning is used to check the body for neuroendocrine tumor cells and should be used in select patients with multiple head and neck paragangliomas to identify asymptomatic, extra cervical tumors )。
颞骨副神经节瘤很容易用薄层增强计算机断层扫描(CT)的轴位和冠状位作评估。磁共振成像(MRI)对颈静脉孔、迷走神经和颈动脉体大血管球瘤的范围的勾画优于CT[Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is better than CT in delineating the extent of large glomus tumors of the jugular foramen, vagus nerve, and carotid body.]。MRI或磁共振血管造影(MRA)也能更好地观察到颈内动脉(ICA)的位移、弯曲或可能的包裹[ The displacement, bowing, or possible encasement of the internal carotid artery (ICA) is also better seen with MRI or magnetic resonance angiography (MRA).]。可通过磁共振静脉造影(MRV)或常规脑血管造影评估乙状窦、颈静脉球、颈静脉和侧支静脉流动情况[Venous patency of the sigmoid sinus, the jugular bulb, the jugular vein, and collateral venous flow can be evaluated with magnetic resonance venography (MRV) or conven- tional cerebral angiography ](图2)。