《黑神话:悟空》影神图中英文对照版(四姐 The Fourth Sister)

文摘   2024-10-03 00:13   广东  

四姐 The Fourth Sister



Sword raised to the azure sky,
Enemy blood stains the black robe high.
Fortunate to be a maiden fair,
Outshining heroes with grace and flair.













In the old days, the Scorpionlord brought his four sons to the Temple of Yellow Flowers, seeking refuge. The Hundred-Eyed Daoist Master, coveting the power of his venom, promised to arrange marriages between the young spider yaoguais and the scorpion princes. Hence, he called forth Violet Spider and four of her daughters to meet them.

Once everyone was seated, the Daoist Master asked the princes to introduce themselves one by one.

The eldest prince stood up, thumping his chest, and declared, "My skills were personally taught by my father. Among my brothers, I am the best bachelor. If all the sisters wish to marry me, don't let it cause any discord."

Seeing the sisters frown, the second prince quickly stood up and interjected, "Sisters, please forgive my brother's recklessness. Strong as he is, which I admit, I am no less capable. If you choose me as your husband, I will expand our domain and make it prosperous."

The Daoist Master was displeased by the second prince's ambition, and the sisters too remained non-committal, turning their gaze to the third scorpion son. Feeling the pressure of their stares, he reluctantly said, "My brothers are all skilled, and my younger brother is also exceptional. Sisters, please consider carefully before making a choice."

The fourth prince, disdainful of his third brother's lack of confidence, said, "My third brother is a bit awkward in temperament. I hope you don't mind. Although I am younger, my future is promising. Choosing me is choosing the future."

After hearing their self-introductions, the Daoist master asked the four daughters of the Zhu family to express their opinions one by one. The eldest sister spoke gently, "With many sisters to look after, and our mother's illness, I cannot lay down this burden and let my sisters suffer. My marriage can wait a few more years."

The scorpions shook their heads, expressing regret. The second sister laughed coquettishly and said, "I am busy managing the family business alone, with many financial gaps to fill. If any of you are willing to help bridge these gaps, I might consider marriage."

The Scorpionlord's mountain had long since fallen into ruin, with no wealth to speak of, so the second sister's words effectively ended the conversation. The third sister, holding a fan, said, "I wish to marry someone with whom I can live in harmony. I love the poetry of Luo Yin. Have any of you read his works?"

It's likely that the four princes didn't even know what poetry was, let alone who Luo Yin was. Consequently, everyone pinned their hopes on the fourth sister.

Sitting at the end, the fourth sister hummed softly out of boredom before speaking. "My sisters, you were too polite, speaking so tactfully that they probably didn't even understand. This so-called meeting is just a scheme against us. We would end up with no gain, while they take our dowries and positions in our cave. How dare they consider us as the ones to be taken advantage of? They call themselves princes, yet none of them are noble. If they truly had any skills, why not earn their own fortunes instead of showing off and making fools of themselves here?"

After the fourth sister's outburst, the conversation at the table shifted to criticizing her. Though apologies were exchanged, the topic of marriage was never brought up again.
