
文摘   情感   2025-01-31 19:00   江西  


-sweet talklover's prattle-

                    • "你大概是宇宙最嚣张的存在,不需要发光,就能让我的整个世界亮起来。"
                      "You must be the most arrogant existence in the universe—you don’t even need to shine, yet you light up my whole world."

                    • "别人的眼神是风景,你的眼神是天灾,我被困在其中,甘愿毫无还手之力。"
                      "Other people’s gazes are scenery, but yours is a natural disaster—I’m trapped, and I surrender without a fight."

                    • "月亮不懂潮汐为何痴迷它,就像你不懂,我的心是怎样被你一点点卷走的。"
                      "The moon doesn’t understand why the tides crave it, just like you don’t know how my heart gets stolen by you, piece by piece."

                    • "你是那种即使隔着人海、隔着时间,甚至隔着光年,都能让我奋不顾身去拥抱的存在。"
                      "You are the kind of existence that, even across crowds, across time, across light-years, I would still run toward without hesitation."

                    • "我不确定这个世界上有什么是永恒的,但如果‘想你’算一种物质,那它一定无法被摧毁。"
                      "I’m not sure if anything in this world is eternal, but if ‘missing you’ were a substance, it would be indestructible."

                    • "如果我藏得住喜欢你这件事,那它一定是世界上最拙劣的谎言,因为我的眼睛早就背叛了我。"
                      "If I could hide the fact that I like you, it would be the worst lie in the world—because my eyes have already betrayed me."

                    • "你在我心里留下的痕迹,不是脚印,而是烙印,怎么抹,都带着你燃烧过的温度。"
                      "The marks you leave in my heart aren’t footprints, but burn marks—no matter how I try to erase them, they still carry your warmth."

                    • "我原本是个心如止水的人,直到你闯进来,一点点把这片湖面搅成了海啸。"
                      "I used to have a heart as calm as still water, until you came in and turned it into a tsunami, little by little."

                    • "你真是个不负责任的人,随随便便就霸占了我的心,却连搬家的打算都没有。"
                      "You’re really irresponsible—you took over my heart so easily, yet you have no plans of ever moving out."

                    • "如果世界上的‘偏爱’必须有一个代名词,那我希望它的名字,叫你。"
                      "If ‘special affection’ in this world needed a synonym, I’d want its name to be yours."



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