目前爱迪生的在线课同时,如有参加微信群训练营需求的朋友,微信单独和爱迪生交流自学=高手引导+自己学习+及时反馈跟高手学1年胜过自己瞎琢磨10年。本周四晚上:19:00-20:30 最新一期音标课周五晚上:19:00-20:30 中考词汇特种兵周六晚上:新概念英语3+高考读后续写周日下午:13:30-15:00 新概念1+小学词汇特种兵周日下午:15:30-17:00 中考词汇特种兵寒假:主要是 音标 词汇特种兵系列课程。 背单词背到最后,我们还是要面对阅读。考单词考到最后,我们其实还是考阅读。 你们看到的是上海高考2023年的短文填空。上海的高考难在哪?很明显,一篇短文的篇幅比较长,平均一篇都是500字以上。如果平时没有看长文习惯的学生,看到这样的文章,直接内心就放弃了。而中考一篇阅读通常在300左右。从300到500,看起来只是增加200字,但难度可是跨越了好几个级别。 另外,你们会发现一篇文章独立生词非常多。(我给的这篇一共才500多字,独立生词就有约300个)也就是高中甚至大学单词比较密集。而不是像全国卷那样,大部分词汇可能是初中词汇。另外还有一些词汇并不可能出现在词汇表上的,完全来自网络或英语外刊。 最后,你们会发现一个句子的平均句长很长。也就是一句话包含了大约19-22个单词。如果你平时真的很少阅读,看到平均句长在20词左右的文章,加上文章比较长,你基本就不想看了,因为太难了。 补充:高考需要学生看完以后,还能记住作者到底讲了什么,这需要学生自己去提取核心观点。如果一个学生不是成熟的阅读者,很有可能看完了也不知道作者说了啥,于是不得不把文章重复看好几遍去确认,这样很有可能考试的时候自信心受影响,且考试做题时间不足,影响后面写作时间。 We all think we communicate all the time, and that's true. There's also non-verbal communication you could add into the mix--everything we're saying when we're not saying anything. But there’s a (n) (31 ) _______between saying things to people, or liking and sharing a post on social media, and communication. I'm quite well connected-there's Twitter Facebook,Instagram,Snapchat, email, iEverything(!), but sometimes communication starts to feel like a chore. Check this blog post, read that article someone shared, (32) __________back to someone else, and answer their question.. . Sometimes I feel like a cross between Siri and a mad juggler. Nothing seems to go in and I'm always mixing people up--asking someone how their band is going when they can’t play an instrument or how the job search is going when someone’s just written to say how depressed they are that they can't find a job.So it was quite a ( n ) (33 )__________ to spend New Year in the Highlands in Scotland with no phone signal, no internet and no "Communication”at all, apart from with the people I was with. Suddenly all the pressure to communicate disappeared. All of our conversations became slower,more inverted and far more interesting. We were a group of 12,a ( n)(34)__________of couples and friends, only one of whom I was at university with, so I was meeting a bunch of new people for the first time. Our conversations veered towards the banal and the humdrum in that we often discussed our plans for the day and what we were going to cook in the evening, but often they went a lot farther and a lot deeper. Tucked up on the leather sofas, (35 )__________dinner, we dissected Brexit and one person even changed their (36 )__________entirely! We shared ideas and theories , plots of books and plays and city trips we'd been on, described family troubles and gave advice, listened to work scenarios and offered pointers, and we had to talk and sketch and use words more than ever before , because you couldn't say, "It's a great film, you should google it later. " Some of us even had sore throats from talking so much! In such a short ( 37 )__________of time, due to the proximity of sharing interconnected cottages and verbal communication, I felt much closer to the new people I'd met and been speaking with than some other people I communicate with in my normal life.I don't think our common, current methods of communication come close to being in a small house with lots of people and having to communicate (38 )__________. The brevity of Twitter, the showiness of Facebook, all these aspects contribute to a shallow form of communication that doesn't challenge you to ( 39 )__________your feelings and motives enough. "Liking” something is an instant response but what does it really say about your opinion of something? It's a (n) (40)__________response to millions of other people, whereas you and your thoughts are unique. If we're not careful , perhaps we might forget how to communicate on a deeper level. 按照上海高考英语试卷上反映的词汇量要求:没有熟悉的4000词,参加上海高考基本就是陪跑的。注意关键词:熟悉的4000词。高考要求的不是及格,而是高分。某种程度上说,高考的要求要比四六级还高。因为高考希望你分数越高越好,而四六级只是要求及格就好。你们看了上面的文章,很多人会心中暗喜,幸亏不是在上海。在上海,据说很多孩子中考英语可以接近满分,高中英语不及格。因为中考到高中,中间还有很大的差距。以2023年夏季高考短文填空为例。第一句和第二句,就会把很多人难住。Brainstorming is a creative process that can help generate new and innovative ideas to solve complex problems. It involves bringing together individuals from diverse backgrounds and perspectives to share their ideas freely and build upon each other's contributions.第一句话18个词,第二句21个词,但里面有好几个词,很多孩子可能不熟悉。一个句子如果有4个单词不熟悉,基本上就看不懂了。你们看到这,就应该明白,为何上海的家长要那么卷了。不是他们想卷,是不卷真的不行。我只是挑了这两句,这篇文章里面还有很多类似的一句里面就有4个比较难的单词的句子。平时单个背单词单词的意思,完全是靠机械的中文和英文绑定Generate 产生 引起Perspective 视角 观点这样背单词,优点,背的速度快。缺点:比较枯燥,不太容易坚持。大部分学生很少把一本词汇书背完。而且因为没有情感连接,很容易遗忘。而且这样背单词,特别伤害学生的英语学习热情。大家明明都知道背单词很重要,就是很难熟悉高考要求的3500词。2024 13 100 53 49 81 78 110 看完上面的数字以后,马上回忆,你应该比较容易记起来:2024 100 110因为这些数字本身就有特别的意义。大脑能轻易记住有意义的东西。 我们要用大脑擅长的方式去背单词。1 用合适难度阅读,批量化接触单词。每天接触大量单词,且让单词有意义的形式出现。如果你一天只能接触10个单词,理论上,一年你可以接触3650个。但,很少有人可以每天背10个单词,坚持一年。因为大部分人没有这个意志力,且就算这样坚持了,每天都会有遗忘,实际到年底能有几百词汇量已经很不错了。但是一天看一篇文章,一篇50字的文章,如果你在乎英语学习,基本上都可以做到。如果你阅读实力上来了,一天沉浸式阅读30分钟,一天就可以看超过3000-5000字。 2 锻炼阅读自动化能力。这是考试最需要的一个能力。边阅读边思考。别小看,很多人阅读和思考不能同时进行。要么为了读懂句子需要停下来,这样阅读的速度就慢了。要么速度一快就来不及思考,看完了也不知道作者想说什么。这个能力是被忽视的。这个能力无法通过阅读做题获得,只能通过大量的阅读实践锻炼。好比,你不能指望一个很少打篮球的人去参加NBA。 3 在阅读的时候留一点注意力关注新单词或者熟悉的词的新用法。比如我在今天NPR里面看到一句Beck swallowed her explanation to keep her cancer secret: Once people know, they never look at you the same way.全世界的人都会有这样的感受。You will all be heading off for your summer break soon, farewelling teachers and putting the schoolbag and textbooks in the cupboard for a while.It seems as we transition to renewable energy*, we are going to have periods where we cannot generate enough power to satisfy demand.如果你的阅读量不够大,你很难有机会遇到一些阅读高频词。如果你不是天天阅读,你很难和那些阅读高频词熟悉。理解单词,是为了熟悉单词的个性。重复遇见单词,是为了增加对单词的印象。而且你天天阅读就会自己得出一个结论:单词的意思是随着他周围的环境变化而变化的。run 一个大家觉得非常熟悉的词,但其实他的意思有大约30多个。我们根本不可能一个一个去把所有的意思都背了。如果只是以为run就是跑步,那么很多句子都会理解错误。因为环境变了,单词的意思就变了。这也是很多孩子背单词的时候意思很熟悉,但在实际的阅读里面看不懂的原因。因为在阅读里面单词的环境变了,早已不是你背的那个意思。Can you run as fast as Mike?I've spent the whole day running around after the kids.He has no idea how to run a business.The college runs summer courses for foreign students.Buses to Oxford run every half hour.Could you run the engine for a moment?You may find that some apps are running slowly.I can't afford to run a car on my salary.Would you mind running me to the shops?She ran her fingers nervously through her hair.The railway line runs right past the house.The tears ran down her cheeks.She ran hot water into the bucket.His face was running with sweat.We've run short of milk.Hilary Clinton ran for president in 2016.I go for a run every morning.They took the car out for a run.Liverpool lost to Leeds, ending an unbeaten run of 18 games.The show had a record-breaking run in the London theatre.要熟悉每1000个单词,我们至少需要几十万词的阅读量。要能够读懂平均句长为20词的高考文章,我们在参加高考前就应该熟悉这样难度的文章。我经常鼓励大家每年把最近的5-10年高考真题,中考真题买来看看。这样可以提醒自己:英语考试考到最后,首先比的是阅读能力。当然,词汇是基础。没有词汇量,做题寸步难行。只有词汇量,做题也寸步难行。核心还是要能看懂试卷。得阅读和写作者,才能得到英语考试的天下。特种兵月卡900/月 (听力/阅读/语法/写作/词汇/新概念/4000词/RE/中考/高考等)特种兵年卡3980/年年度特种兵福利1 全年接受爱迪生的英语学习规划2爱迪生的在线直播课享受8折优惠3K12海量电子资源+原版网站 免费分享4国内AI/GPT免费教你使用快速帮孩子提升英语学习效率5 2-4年让一个5年级孩子实现高考英语实力6 让你们完全通过自学就可以成为英语高手单次付费咨询890 付费咨询年卡3980 (每年会有微调)想象力智能中高考 8980/科/年 两科7980/科/年 三科6980/科/年速学慧1对1课程(英语+数学+物理)39.9体验一节课,200/时 30小时起报。小词块团购买书购买背单词神器小词块,在爱迪生的视频号橱窗购买。购买中考英语写作书在爱迪生的视频号橱窗购买。购买高考读后续写作文书,在爱迪生的视频号橱窗购买。购买各科中考英语备考基础知识,在爱迪生的视频号橱窗。购买爱迪生编写的书籍,微信交流pursuer1986付费找爱迪生做咨询,先付费再交流。对于有执行力的孩子,2年时间足以到高考英语实力。规划好了学1年≥盲目学10年我是爱迪生,一个把自己当成靠山的人,一个把自己打造成金饭碗的人。看1000本英文启蒙书,不如和爱迪生聊1次。爱迪生的理想世界微信群欢迎有趣的你加入。怕错过爱迪生分享的宝藏文章,记得在公众号上面设置星标。Dream big. Take risks. 看不懂就多打赏,打赏次数多了,你自然懂了。心在哪,力量就在哪。热爱生命,全力以赴。爱迪生精心整理的原版英文听力资源,请免费使用。公众号:爱迪生的理想世界小红书:爱迪生的理想世界视频号:爱迪生的理想世界B站:爱迪生的理想世界喜马拉雅:爱迪生的理想世界网易云音乐:爱迪生的理想世界微信:pursuer1986DY:67345152我爱这艰难又拼尽了全力的每一天,我会怀念所有的这些曲折。我爱这被风带走不会再有的每一天,那只有我自己知道的快乐。打赏,点赞,转发,在看,分享,我知道这么酷的你一定会行动。请让这篇文章火起来。每一次的助力,都是对爱迪生最大的支持。