展位 BOOTH B351
2024.11.07 - 11.10
Shanghai West Bund Art Center | 2555 Longteng Avenue
参展艺术家 | ARTISTS
Estate of ÉTIENNE-MARTIN 艾蒂安-马丁
Estate of Robert COUTURIER 罗伯特·库蒂里耶
Abed AL KADIRI 阿贝德·阿尔-卡迪里
Vincent CAZENEUVE 文森·漆
Liane CHU 朱丽晴
Julien DES MONSTIER 朱利安·德·蒙斯蒂耶
Hugo DEVERCHÈRE 雨果·德维切尔
Tess DUMON 苔丝·杜蒙
Charles HASCOËT 查尔斯·哈斯科埃特
Yanis KANNOUSSI 雅尼·卡努西
Matisse MESNIL 马蒂斯·梅斯尼尔
Ugo SCHILDGE 雨果·席德
Pablo TOMEK 帕布洛·托梅克
杜梦堂DUMONTEIL荣幸参展2024年第十一届「西岸艺术与设计博览会」,展位号B351,呈现来自十五位国内外艺术家的作品精选。此次不仅荟萃当代艺术家的近期创作,还展出了两位20世纪法国重要雕塑家艾蒂安-马丁(Étienne-Martin)和罗伯特·库蒂里耶(Robert Couturier)的作品。两人的双人展“形态的诗与哲”也在艺博会同期展出于杜梦堂(上海),展现了两位艺术家如何将形态美学的探索化为充满诗意与哲理的表达,通过各自独特而多元的创作实践成为现代雕塑发展的重要组成。更多当代艺术家精彩作品包括:阿贝德·阿尔-卡迪里 (Abed Al Kadir) 的布面油彩碳笔作品,文森·漆 (Vincent Cazeneuve) 和翁纪军以大漆为媒介的新作,马蒂斯·梅斯尼尔 (Matisse Mesnil) 的电弧焊作品,雨果·德维切尔 (Hugo Deverchère) 的花岗岩镌刻作品,查尔斯·哈斯科埃特 (Charles Hascoët)、苔丝·杜蒙 (Tess Dumon)、朱利安·德·蒙斯蒂耶 (Julien Des Monstiers)、俞杨和朱丽晴的绘画作品,雅尼·卡努西 (Yanis Khannoussi) 的彩虹雕塑系列,以及帕布洛·托梅克 (Pablo Tomek)和雨果·席德 (Ugo Schildge) 的架上综合材料作品。
DUMONTEIL is pleased to participate in the West Bund Art & Design Fair 2024, at Booth B351, presenting a selection of recent creations by fifteen local and international artists.In addition to the creations of emerging artists represented by the gallery, we will also present works by Étienne-Martin and Robert Couturier, two pivotal figures in 20th-century French sculpture. The two artists' duo exhibition, “Mysticisme et poésie des Formes”, on view at DUMONTEIL (Shanghai), demonstrates how the two artists have transformed their exploration of the aesthetics of form into poetic and philosophical expression, and how, through their unique and diverse creative practices, they contributed to modern sculpture.More works by the artists include oil and charcoal on canvas by Abed Al Kadiri, new creations revolving around Chinese lacquer by Vincent Cazeneuve and Weng Jijun, Matisse Mesnil‘s arc welding steel works, Hugo Deverchère’s engraving on granite, oil on canvas by Liane Chu, Charles Hascoët, and Julien Des Monstiers, acrylic on canvas by Tess Dumon and Nisky Yu, iridescent sculpture by Yanis Khannoussi, and mixed-media on panel by Pablo Tomek and Ugo Schildge.
杜梦堂 DUMONTEIL 展位现场,2024西岸艺术与设计博览会
DUMONTEIL installation view at West Bund Art & Design | Image ©QYing欢迎通过底部
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