
文摘   2024-12-31 00:02   广东  

Nasdaq CEO shares the best investing advice she's given her own son: It’s afoundational element of wealth creation’


For anyone who finds investment markets daunting, especially younger millennials and Gen Zers, Nasdaq CEO Adena Friedman has a three-word piece of advice: Learn by doing.

对于那些认为投资市场是令人畏惧的人,特别是年轻的千禧一代和Z世代,纳斯达克CEO阿迪娜·弗里德曼(Adena Friedman)给到三个词汇的建议:通过实践学习。

It's her most important money advice for all investing newcomers — including her own children, Friedman told CNBC Make It on Tuesday while speaking at the Fortune Global Forum 2024.

2024年财富全球论坛上,弗里德曼接受CNBC Make It栏目采访时表示,这是她给所有投资新手(包括她自己的孩子们)的最重要理财建议。

"Learn by doing — with small amounts of money, or even on platforms where you don't actually have to use real money," said Friedman. "As you get more engaged and more educated, you can start to take more risks ... and then get more confidence."


Friedman has two sons in their mid-to-late twenties, she said — one of whom took it upon himself to play around with a stock event marketplace app, which lets users track and trade stocks from their phones. He only invests in small increments, roughly $10 at a time, Friedman added.


"He was taking different sides of the trade all night long on, like, what the temperature of New York was going to be overnight," she said. "It was just fascinating ... He didn't even realize he was learning market structure."


Young people across the country are hesitant with their money right now: 42% of people aged 18 to 34 aren't saving or investing at all, according to a recent CNBC and Generation Lab survey of more than 1,000 Americans. Thirty-two percent of Gen Zers say their fear of losing money holds them back, and 22% say they don't trust the market, found Investopedia's 202Financial Literacy Survey.

现在,美国的年轻人对金钱愈发谨慎。根据CNBCGeneration Lab1000多名美国人的一项最新调查,1834岁的人群中,有42%的人既不储蓄也不投资。Investopedia2023年金融素养调查显示,Z世代的担忧更为突出:32%的人害怕亏损,22%的人不信任市场。

Experimenting with pocket money is a great place to start, because it helps you learn and get comfortable with the fact that your investment strategies can result in both wins and losses, said Friedman: "You have to be ready for any outcome."


As you get your footing, you can start thinking about long-term investments that'll impact your future, she added.


"That's what's going to make it so that you can afford your schools, or your children's schools, afford a home, and afford to travel the world and experience the world," Friedman said.


The earlier you can start investing, the better, added Barclays CEO C.S. Venkatakrishnan, another panelist at the Global Forum event.


"I think the most important thing for young people to understand [is] that investing in their future is really one of the biggest decisions they can make," said Venkatakrishnan. 'They should start young from that first paycheck, have a really long term view, and the equity markets are a really important part of that."


Other ways to get started include investing in an employer sponsored 401(k) for retirement, which lets you contribute pre-tax dollars, or contributing to a Roth individual retirement account, certified financial planner Douglas Boneparthtold Make It in August. Roth IRA contributions are taxed upfront, so withdrawals in retirement are tax-free.

注册理财规划师道格拉斯·博内帕斯(Douglas Boneparth)在8月份的对CNBC Make It栏目表示,除了上述方法,还有其他开始投资的方式,包括投资雇主提供的401(k)退休计划(允许税前缴费),或向Roth个人退休账户(Roth IRA)缴款。罗斯IRA的缴款在前期缴税,因此退休时的取款将免税。

Later in life, you'll thank yourself for starting early, said Friedman: "[Investing] is a foundational element of wealth creation in this country."


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