2024-03-29 17:48
康奈尔大学的建筑、艺术与规划学院的实力无需赘述,此处我们将以最精简的方式列出AAP院系专业分布、本科申请人可以考虑的方向及作品集重点要求。Department of ArchitectureBachelor of Architecture (B.Arch.)因此申请Cornell建筑的同学,作品集工作量也非常大。康奈尔建筑夏校也是唯一对申请具有决定性作用的艺术设计夏校。A Blanket for the Dances that are Remembered by Mia Hause (B.F.A. '22) and Erin Conolly (B.S. '23)Bachelor of Fine Art (B.F.A.)Cornell提供的纯艺术studio课程包含以下媒介:drawing, painting, sculpture, photography, print media, and MAPS: media arts, performance, and sound1. UNIFORM. Design a uniform that defines you. This could be a garment that liberates you, supports your creative practice, or signals what matters to your work. Present a design for a wearable garment.2. LOST AND FOUND. Interview a person of your choice about an object they have lost that they wish they could get back. Use your skills to re-interpret the object and then give the object to the person you interviewed. It is up to you how you want to share this process with us: a photo, video, drawing, movement, etc. 3. TIME AND PLACE: For a week, take a few minutes to document either a sunrise or sunset and create artwork from the experience. You are encouraged to choose a format and medium that resonates with you. What does the sunrise or sunset mean or look like in your life?4. SCALE AND SIZE 1. What would you like to make if you had unlimited financial resources? Describe the project in detail. Now, tell us how you would realize that idea with only $50. Like all the other prompt responses, this should display imagination rather than a labored finished work. Don't overdo it! 5. SCALE AND SIZE 2. Create a monumental gesture that fits in your pocket. 6. THE EVERYDAY: Elevate one of your daily rituals into a work of art.Department of City and Regional PlanningBachelor of Science in Urban and Regional Studies (B.S. URS)除以上院系外,还有Paul Rubacha Department of Real Estate 房地产系提供本科minor辅修。房地产系为康奈尔AAP建筑艺术规划学院与SC Johnson商学院联合建立。Department of Design Tech 设计技术系仅提供研究生学位,为Master of Science, Design Technology (M.S. DT)设计技术理学硕士。