据MS官网显示,来自上海交通大学的刘佳璐、上海财经大学的裴思琦、香港中文大学的张晓泉,合作的论文“Indirect Value of Public Infrastructure Technology”在国际管理学顶刊《Management Science》线上正式发表。
Title: Indirect Value of Public Infrastructure Technology
上海交通大学 安泰经管学院
Although prior research has primarily focused on the direct value of information technology (IT) and IT adoption by individuals and firms, this study explores the indirect value of IT in the form of public infrastructure technology. By exploiting a spatial discontinuity in water monitoring stations, we discover that firms located immediately upstream of water monitoring stations exhibit significantly lower levels of corruption than firms located immediately downstream. These findings are particularly noteworthy given that water monitoring stations have the potential to generate significant indirect value as they are not explicitly designed to mitigate corruption. Further analyses reveal that public infrastructure technology alone does not hold the key to mitigating corporate corruption. Instead, it is the synergistic interplay between public infrastructure technology and organizational change that drives the outcome. These findings contribute to a deeper understanding of the broader IT value landscape, emphasizing the indirect value of technological advancements in public infrastructure that were not originally intended for such benefit. Additionally, our findings highlight the benefits of leveraging existing infrastructure technology to address emerging societal needs.
Tips:“社科人工智能与人工智能经济学” 冬季学术研讨会即将举办,欢迎对人工智能经济学方法及其应用感兴趣的学者和学生报名!