
文摘   2024-02-17 19:35   江苏  

格莱珉美国自豪地宣布,将直接向金融服务欠缺社区的女企业家投资 40 亿美元的负担得起的贷款资本,这是一个新的里程碑。
This historic accomplishment is a groundbreaking milestone for the organization, marking the first time in its history that it has provided an unprecedented $1 billion in capital to women business owners within a single year. This achievement solidifies Grameen America’s position as the fastest-growing microfinance organization in the United States. Since 2008, Grameen America has disbursed $4 billion to more than 190,000 women across 27 U.S. cities.
图: 格莱珉美国在洛杉矶的第三家分行长滩分行剪彩仪式2019 年 9 月 19 日)
Pictured at the September 19,2019 Long Beach branch ribbon-cutting ceremony from left: Diana Martinez, Grameen; Jessica Osnaya, Grameen; Marybel Lorenzo, Grameen Long Beach branch manager; Alethia Mendez, Grameen; Grameen President and CEO Andrea Jung; Grameen Founder and Nobel Prize recipient Muhammad Yunus; East West Bank President and CEO Dominic Ng; and Mindee Barham, Grameen. (Photograph by Brandon Richardson)



——钟彬娴(Andrea Jung),格莱珉美国总裁兼首席执行官


“Disbursing $4 billion in loan capital stands as a monumental achievement—a testament to the dedication of our staff, members, and partners. While we take pride in this accomplishment, we recognize an ongoing and substantial need for affordable financial services on a national level.

We are proud to offer access to affordable capital without barriers like collateral or credit history and witness the tremendous impact these investments have on women’s economic mobility, their children’s lives, and community development.”

—— Andrea Jung, President and CEO of Grameen America
Andrea Jung,President and CEO of Grameen America. She is the former Chairman and CEO of Avon Products, Inc., She is a graduate of Princeton University. She is a member of the Board of Directors of Apple Inc., Unilever, Rockefeller Capital Management and Wayfair Inc. She previously served on the boards of General Electric and Daimler AG.

达到 40 亿美元

您的支持为超过 190,000 名低收入女性企业家及其企业、家庭和社区带来了改变。帮助我们延续 15 年为女性拥有的小企业提供负担得起的资本、金融教育和同伴网络支持的历史。您可以对现在和遥远的未来的女性产生持久的影响。

Thank You for Helping Us Reach $4 Billion

Your support has made a difference in more than 190,000 low-income women entrepreneurs, and their businesses, families, and communities. Help us continue our 15-year history of providing affordable capital, financial education, and peer networking support to women-owned businesses. You can make a lasting impact on women now, and far into the future.




