据PNAS官网显示,上海纽约大学的Lu Liu、北京大学全球健康发展研究院和加利福尼亚大学洛杉矶分校的崔知涵、宾夕法尼亚大学的Howard Kunreuther 、哥伦比亚商学院的Geoffrey Heal,合作撰写论文“Modeling and testing strategic interdependence and tipping in public policy implementation”,该论文于2024年11月在国际顶级学术期刊《美国国家科学院院刊》(Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 简称PNAS)上经济科学分区线上发表。
Title: Modeling and testing strategic interdependence and tipping in public policy implementation
Lu Liu
Howard Kunreuther
Geoffrey Heal
We develop a game-theoretic model of strategic interdependence and tipping in public policy choices and show that the model can be estimated by probit and logit estimators. We test its validity and applicability by using daily data on state-level COVID-19 responses in the United States. Social distancing via shelter-in-place (SIP) strategies and wearing masks emerged as the most effective nonpharmaceutical ways of combatting COVID-19. In the United States, choices about these policies are made by individual states. We develop a game-theoretic model of such choices and test it econometrically, confirming strong interdependence in the implementation of these policies. If enough states engage in social distancing or mask wearing, others will be tipped to follow suit. Policy choices are influenced mainly by the choices of other states, especially those of similar political orientation and to a lesser degree by the number of new COVID-19 cases. The choice of mask-wearing policies is more sensitive to peer choices than the choice of SIP policies, and Republican states are much less likely than Democratic to introduce mask-wearing policies. The choices of policies are influenced more by political than public health considerations. These findings emphasize strategic interdependence in policy choice and offer an analytical framework for these complex dynamics.
Tips:“社科人工智能与人工智能经济学” 冬季学术研讨会即将举办,诺奖得主托马斯·萨金特等顶级学者分享,欢迎对人工智能经济学方法及其应用感兴趣的学者和学生报名!