
政务   2024-11-08 18:31   四川  

2024年11月5日星期二,华盛顿州伦顿,一名政治观察员在金县选举总部观看选举工作人员打开选票。(美联社照片/Lindsey Wasson)

2024年10月23日星期三,在位于亚利桑那州凤凰城的马里科帕县记录员办公室,观察员观看选举官员在计票首日前处理邮寄选票的过程。(美联社照片/Matt York)

#美国大选# 谁组织和计算选票?在美国,选举——甚至是联邦公职选举都是由地方上负责组织。大选的安排和管理由成千上万的选务人员承担他们通常是身为县市官员或职员的公务员。


✏ 确定选举的具体日期。

✏ 核实候选人资格。

✏ 登记合格选民,制定登记的选民名单。

✏ 选择投票设备。

✏ 设计选票。

✏ 组织大量临时工作人员为选举日的投票服务。

✏ 统计选票和核实结果。



#US-General Election# Who organizes and counts the votes? In the United States, elections—even those for federal office—are conducted locally. Thousands of administrators—typically civil servants who are county or city officials or clerks—are responsible for organizing and conducting U.S. elections.

These administrators perform an important and complex set of tasks:

✏ Setting the exact dates for elections.

✏ Certifying the eligibility of candidates.

✏ Registering eligible voters and preparing

lists of registered voters.

✏ Selecting voting equipment.

✏ Designing ballots.

✏Organizing a large temporary workforce to administer the voting on Election Day.

✏ Tabulating the votes and certifying the results.

Election administrators must ensure that every eligible voter who wants to vote is on the registration list. They also must exclude from the list those who are unqualified (typically because they are too young or do not live in the jurisdiction). Generally, local election officials keep people on the lists even if they have not voted recently, rather than excluding potentially eligible voters. When someone not on the registration list appears at the polls, officials typically issue them a provisional ballot to record their votes. Only after that person’s eligibility is reviewed (this usually happens after Election Day) is the vote counted. Election administrators also have to design the ballots for each election. They must ensure that all certified candidates are listed and all issues up for decision are correctly worded. And they must try to make the ballot as simple and as clear as possible. There are no national standards for ballot forms, but federal law does require that administrators provide ballots in multiple languages when a percentage of the population in their jurisdiction does not speak English as a primary language. Where voting machines have replaced paper ballots, local administrators are responsible for selecting and maintaining them. And local officials also must recruit and train a large temporary staff to work 10 to 15 hours on Election Day

Election staff at polling places must offer the same access to all eligible voters, and cannot express their political opinions or encourage voters to support particular candidates.  They must also ensure voting facilities are accessible to people with disabilities. 
