Kyoto's autumn foliage is famous.This street is not lively.What kind of souvenir did you buy?
I bought a beautiful doll.乙:とてもきれいでした。でも、静かではありませんでした。 It was very beautiful. But it wasn't quiet.What kind of town is Yokohama?It's a large and busy city. How was the weather in Tokyo?It was sunny yesterday. But the day before yesterday it was rainy.Art Museum
Nagashima: I went to Kyoto yesterday.Ono: Kyoto? How was the autumn foliage in Kyoto?長島:とてもきれいでした。でも、町はあまり静かじゃありませんでした。 Nagashima: It was very beautiful. But the town wasn't very quiet.長島:今ちょうど修学旅行のシーズンです。とてもにぎやかでした。 Nagashima: It's the season for school trips right now. It was very crowded.Li: This street is quiet.長島:ああ、今日は平日ですね。でも、休みの日は観光客が多いです。とてもにぎやかですよ。 Nagashima: Oh, today is a weekday. But on holidays, there are many tourists. It's very crowded.Li: Wow, there's no one here.李:ところで、この美術館にはどんな作品がありますか。 Li: By the way, what kind of works are there in this art museum?Ono: There are sculptures by famous artists from all over the world.長島:美術館の庭にもいろいろおもしろいのがありますよ。 Nagashima: There are also various interesting things in the art museum garden.