共找到 223 条记录
文摘   2024-10-02 14:12   广东  
波浪浪 Baw-Lang-lang炳炳红艳彩,昂昂有雄风。欲得清凉处,泄火小神通。Radiant hues of crimson bright, Majestic with ...
文摘   2024-10-02 14:06   广东  
波里个波 Baw-Li-Guhh-Baw倚石有活泉,粼粼清浅浅。妙处霸王踞,蛙毒腥又甜。By rocks, a living spring does flow,Gliste ...
文摘   2024-10-02 14:02   广东  
浪里个浪 Lang-Li-Guhh-Lang不惧北风寒,肤凝玉骨般。嗳雾成霜雪,嬉冰更觉酣。Unafraid of the northern chill,With skin ...
文摘   2024-10-02 13:58   广东  
浪里个波 Lang-Li-Guhh-Baw鼓腹出奇能,呱鸣引雷震。呼风不需龙,浅水有蛙声。With swollen belly, strange skills arise, ...
文摘   2024-10-02 13:51   广东  
波里个浪 Baw-Li-Guhh-Lang皮肤窊皱皱,吹气臊腥腥。股长跳高云,偏爱钻泥泞。Wrinkles on his skin so snug,A whiff of a ...
文摘   2024-10-02 13:48   广东  
广谋 Guangmou佛口蛇心真似毒,两面三刀还反复。哪得丹心向明月,空听禅机夜虚度。With a monk's facade but a serpent's heart, ...
文摘   2024-10-02 13:46   广东  
广智 Guangzhi意气出毒谋,惹祸终自受。天道虽不言,善恶必追究。To prove his worth, he gave sinister advice,Yet rea ...
文摘   2024-10-02 13:35   广东  
牯护院 Bullguard赫赫扬扬,身高过丈。腰悬甲沉,手持戟长。其神凶恶,其目呆光。若愚若智,糊涂模样。Majestic of height, he looms with ...
文摘   2024-10-02 13:33   广东  
小人参精 Ginsengling灵苗赋异禀,自启出泥土。须髯作手足,根身分肩股。安神强精魄,滋养入虚补。准采三两根,贪多必受苦。Inherent gifts in ther ...
文摘   2024-10-02 13:30   广东  
小菌君 Fungiling山家微雨后,生机恰自来。陋室以德馨,山精亦感怀。As mountain rains kiss the ground,Youthful green ...
文摘   2024-10-02 13:27   广东  
蛇巡司 Snake Patroller起蛰看天时,草里难寻迹。身细吞巨象,伤人药无医。As seasons turn, from slumber it parts,Hidd ...
文摘   2024-10-02 13:24   广东  
骨嶙峋 Skeletal Snake黄土黄土,尘泥销骨。枉死秀士,其心何苦。乘风岚兮,施于中谷。覆载灵蕴,化生异物。A noble fate's vengeful brea ...
文摘   2024-10-02 13:22   广东  
山匪头子 Bandit Chief浮生多困窘,却尘皆寒穷。夙仇报不平,殊途道相同。From humble start to seek revenge's claim.Pat ...
文摘   2024-10-02 13:20   广东  
鸦香客 Crow Diviner卦知天下事,终难善其身。以为安稳处,因缘乱纷纷。He knows the world's fate through divination,Y ...
文摘   2024-10-02 13:18   广东  
小呱呱 Croaky眼瞪爱取闹,耳鸣性聒噪。形秽躯肉腥,天亡作炭爆。In pools they dwell, forms unrefined,Ugly and odd, v ...
文摘   2024-10-02 13:16   广东  
狼刺客 Wolf Assassin本性如山水,善意似草木。草木生又灭,山水岿而坚。Hills and rivers, nature's way,Kindness grows ...
文摘   2024-10-02 13:12   广东  
狼侍卫 Wolf Sentinel长斧拄作拐,庞眉双鬓飞。莫道桑榆晚,少学老始威。With his axe as both weapon and cane,His brow ...
文摘   2024-10-02 13:10   广东  
狼弓手 Wolf Archer大狼胆儿小,弯弓躲岗哨。百步穿杨柳,不进反作逃。A master archer, none can compare,Timid when da ...
文摘   2024-10-02 13:07   广东  
狼力士 Wolf Stalwart天不管,地不收,逍遥自在荡悠悠。醉里还有乾坤大,醒来愁事一笔勾。Neither sky cares, nor earth will hol ...
文摘   2024-10-02 13:02   广东  
狼校卫 Wolf Soldier日日巡山岗,碌碌磨刀光。匆匆千里外,夜夜尽望乡。Sunswept hills they guard and tread,From glint ...