对于美女的界定,不同年代,审美标准也不尽相同。在唐朝,在帝王审美导向下,圆滚滚胖溜溜的称美人;在五六十年代,提倡多生,大胸大屁股的是美女;在现代,提供黄金分割,S型身材、脸蛋漂亮的才是美女。但大家别记忆了还有一种美,叫”情人眼里出西施“,正在不断实践着”美是被慢慢发现的“!木雕美女,自古有之,发展到现在,已达鼎盛时期。朴素的木头经过纯手工木雕师傅的巧手雕琢,变废为宝,焕发新生,变成一个个栩栩如生的艺术美女,以一种新的生命方式展示在大众面前,诠释着雕刻师傅对美女的审美理解和追求!木雕美女,在雕刻过程中,最难的是开脸,脸的雕刻对纯手工木雕师傅是一个绝对的考验。干一行,爱一行,雕刻师不仅要进行雕刻技艺的学习,还要进行人体结构和绘画的学习,并不断通过实践践行人体比例与雕刻技艺的完美融合。这个实践过程是艰辛的,在不断尝试与改进完善中,只有雕刻师自己才能真切感受到,在其过程中失败的辛酸和成功的喜悦!对于纯手工木雕师傅来说,这是把毫无意义的人生变得有了意义,只要心有所想,有了追求,不断寻求雕刻的更高水量和新境界,人生就变得更有意义。The definition of beauty varies in different eras and aesthetic standards. In the Tang Dynasty, under the guidance of imperial aesthetics, those who were round and chubby were called beauties; In the 1950s and 1960s, those who advocated for having more children and big breasts and buttocks were beautiful women; In modern times, those who offer a golden ratio, an S-shaped figure, and a beautiful face are the beauties. But don't forget, there is another kind of beauty called "beauty in the eyes of the lover", constantly practicing that "beauty is slowly discovered"!Woodcarving beauties have existed since ancient times and have reached their peak in development until now. The simple wood, crafted by pure handmade wood carvers, transforms waste into treasure, rejuvenates, and becomes lifelike artistic beauties. It is presented to the public in a new way of life, interpreting the sculptor's aesthetic understanding and pursuit of beauty!Woodcarving beauties, in the carving process, the most difficult thing is to open their faces. The carving of their faces is an absolute test for pure handmade woodcarvers. To do and love a profession, sculptors not only need to learn carving skills, but also learn about human body structure and painting, and continuously practice the perfect integration of human body proportion and carving skills through practice. This practical process is arduous, and through continuous experimentation and improvement, only the sculptor themselves can truly feel the bitterness of failure and the joy of success in the process!For a pure handmade woodcarver, this is making meaningless life meaningful. As long as one has thoughts, pursuits, and constantly seeks higher levels and new realms of carving, life becomes more meaningful.