
文摘   2024-06-21 09:59   云南  



Francesco Queirolo雕刻《Il Disinganno》用了7年时间,其间经历难以言说。从1752年开始,到1759年才完成,整个雕塑由一块大理石整雕而成,没有任何拼接,每一根绳索均需细致的雕刻和打磨,在打磨网的时候,甚至不可以用手直接碰触它,以免导致折断。当作品完成,一经亮相,就引起参观者的强烈共鸣!

The mythological stories of both China and the West generally share one thing in common, which is that gods with superhuman magical power and great wisdom rescue suffering humans. This marble sculpture "Awakening" is no exception, depicting a middle-aged man trapped in a precise net, unable to break free from the constraints of the net with all his might. An angel with a flame mark on his forehead sees this scene, and his left hand uses magic to pull open a corner of the big net, freeing the middle-aged man from the intricate and complex net.

Extending the symbolism of this sculpture, it is a struggle between the power of wisdom and the power of the secular world. The intricate web represents various religious dogmas and secular beliefs of the Western ruling class, and people are invisibly constrained and bound. The angel pulling open the corner of the web represents the people under rule slowly awakening, starting to resist, and finally overthrowing the ruling class and gaining freedom.

Francesco Queirolo spent 7 years carving "Il Disinganno", during which his experience is indescribable. From 1752 to 1759, the entire sculpture was carved from a single piece of marble without any splicing. Each rope needs to be meticulously carved and polished, and when polishing the mesh, it should not even be touched by hand to avoid breaking. When the work is completed and made public, it resonates strongly with visitors!
