纯手工木雕不仅仅是艺术,更是一种情感的传递和表达。每当看到这些栩栩如生的动物木雕,心中都会油然生出喜欢和惊叹,都会深深的被木雕师傅的精湛技艺所折服。这是一个动物的世界,上演着生物链适者生存的自然法则,从画面中能看到它们为了生存而努力奔跑和奋力追逐的场景,牛在奔,鹿在跑,野猪更活跃,狼在追,狮在咬,一个个全是鲜活的生命,是如此的真实和残酷。与前面的画面相比,后面的画面就显平和多了。聚精会神的猫头鹰,又萌又可爱的兔兔……还有那么多狗狗,仿佛随时都会活过来,摇着尾巴向我们奔来。惊绝雕刻在纯手工雕刻领域一直在不断的学习探索和实践着,努力雕出更多更具艺术欣赏价值和收藏价值的作品与您共赏!Handmade wood carving is not only an art form, but also a means of conveying and expressing emotions. Whenever I see these lifelike animal wood carvings, my heart is filled with admiration and amazement, and I am deeply impressed by the superb skills of the wood carvers.This is a world of animals, playing out the natural law of survival of the fittest in the food chain. From the screen, you can see scenes of them striving to run and chase for survival. Cattle are running, deer are running, wild boars are more active, wolves are chasing, lions are biting, each one is full of fresh life, so real and cruel.Compared to the previous screen, the later screen appears much more peaceful. A focused owl, a cute and adorable rabbit... and so many dogs, as if they would come back to life at any moment, wagging their tails and running towards us.Jingjue Sculpture has been continuously learning, exploring, and practicing in the field of pure handmade carving, striving to carve more works with more artistic appreciation and collection value to appreciate with you!