当看完上面这些雕虫小技,你是否和我一样会心生喜爱呢?你是否也会在心里想着这些问题:是不是以石头为原材雕刻的?是不是上了颜色?是不是粘上去的?是哪个师傅雕的?这得苦练了多少年才能雕刻出如此精品?可能你还会有很多很多不一样的问题,但现在我要回答你:这真的是以石头为原材进行的雕刻创作,是石雕师傅对整块石头色彩的灵活拿捏,以俏色巧雕的手法雕刻出来的。雕刻这些小可爱的师傅是王绥桓,他一生致力于石雕小技,是当代中国著名的石雕艺术大师。王绥桓师傅出生于1951年,从小就酷爱绘画,在他哥哥鲁桓的启发与诱导下,热爱上了石雕。那是一个吃不饱穿不暖的年代,大多数人的追求应该是吃饱穿暖。而王师傅虽历经坎坷而艺志不减,插队八年,刻苦钻研,矿工十载,勤于创作。最后,辞去公职,潜心石雕,以独具匠心、栩栩如生的创作方式,开创石雕小品艺术的新境界。Do you, like me, feel the same love after watching these little tricks like carving insects above? Do you also think about these questions in your mind: Is it carved from stone as the raw material? Is it colored? Did it stick on? Which master carved it? How many years of hard work would it take to carve such a masterpiece? Perhaps you will have many, many different questions, but now I want to answer you: this is really a carving creation made from stone as the raw material. It is the flexible grasp of the color of the entire stone by the stone carver, who carves it with exquisite color carving techniques. The master who carved these cute little sculptures is Wang Suihuan, who devoted his entire life to stone carving techniques and is a famous contemporary Chinese master of stone carving art.Master Wang Suihuan was born in 1951 and has been passionate about painting since childhood. Inspired and guided by his brother Lu Huan, he developed a passion for stone carving. That was an era where people couldn't eat enough and dress warmly, and most people's pursuit should be to eat enough and dress warmly. Although Master Wang has gone through hardships, his artistic aspirations have not diminished. He has been in the queue for eight years, studying hard, and being a miner for ten years. He is diligent in creating. Finally, resigning from public office and dedicating himself to stone carving, he created a new realm of stone carving art in a unique and vivid way.