木材原本是有生命的树,它给我们带来数不尽的好处,而我们所能给予的回报应是将它们那种特别的温和与美丽,以及纯朴的品质尽量地体现和保存下来,对于木雕师傅来说,通过雕刻将再次赋予它新的生命,即可欣赏又可传承,妙哉也!木雕的乐趣在过程中,玩木的乐趣在藏友中,现在收藏木雕的藏友们越来越多,似乎大家都喜欢买一件木雕工艺品摆放在家中,提升家居环境和文化氛围,并且还有辟邪镇宅、招财进宝、事业顺利、平安健康、生活美满幸福等美好寓意。尽管藏友们对雕刻不在行,一点也不影响对木雕作品的欣赏,因为审美能力都是天生的,一眼望去,美与不美就已经了然于胸了。Wood used to be a living tree, which brings us countless benefits. What we can give in return is to embody and preserve their special warmth and beauty, as well as their simple quality as much as possible. For wood carvers, they can enjoy and inherit the new life by carving again. Wonderful!In the process of wood carving, the fun of playing with wood is among the collectors. Now there are more and more collectors of wood carving. It seems that everyone likes to buy a piece of wood carving handicraft to put at home to improve the home environment and cultural atmosphere, as well as good moral meanings such as exorcising evil spirits and holding houses, attracting wealth and treasure, pursuing good business, safety and health, and happy life.Although the Tibetan friends are not good at sculpture, they do not affect the appreciation of wood carving works at all, because the aesthetic ability is innate. At a glance, the beauty and the non beauty are already clear to the mind.