纯手工平面木雕作为一门古老的木工手艺,通过人类智慧的大脑和灵巧的双手,赋予了原木全新的生命与魅力。纯手工平面木雕是将图案周边木料被去除清底后浮现出所留图案造型的木雕工艺。高浮雕的图案周围所移除清掉的木料更多更深,一般深度大于3毫米,呈现出较为明显的立体感觉,给人的观感更加逼真生动。透雕是指将图案周围木料全部去除后,在图案之间产生通透空隙的雕刻手法。透雕能够营造出作品缝隙与背景间交错的视觉感受。浅浮雕、高浮雕、透雕(镂空雕)三种手法相结合的表现形式,使作品的结构与审美更加精致、逼真和复杂,给人以强烈的视觉冲击。As an ancient woodworking craft, the pure hand plane wood carving endows the log with new life and charm through the human intelligent brain and smart hands.Pure hand-made plane wood carving is a wood carving process in which the wood around the pattern is removed and the pattern shape is left after the bottom cleaning. The wood removed around the high relief pattern is more and deeper, generally more than 3 mm deep, showing a more obvious three-dimensional feeling, giving a more realistic and vivid impression. Openwork refers to the carving technique that creates a transparent space between the patterns after removing all the wood around the patterns. Openwork can create a visual sense of interlacing between the work gap and the background.The combination of shallow relief, high relief and openwork (openwork) makes the structure and aesthetics of the work more delicate, lifelike and complex, giving a strong visual impact.