看多了纯手工木雕平面木雕成品的朋友们,可能很想看看木雕现场是什么样的,可能还想了解一下纯手工平面木雕的工艺流程,也许还想了解某一位大师傅,……。今天,就带朋友们走进纯手工木雕平面木雕的雕刻现场来实地参观一下,让大伙将纯手工平面木雕了解的透透的。现场大家都已经看到了,有雕大尺寸的,也有雕小尺寸的,所有的工具也就是传统的凿子、锤子之类,没什么特别之处。重要的说明两点,一是图纸,图纸现在有手绘的,也有电脑绘画打印出来的。二是师傅,一幅作品的完工,不一定是同一位师傅完成的,更多的情况是多个师傅共同合作完成的,比如有的负责绘画,有的负责粗雕,有的负责精雕。纯手工平面木雕的工艺流程并不复杂,首先是拼板,根据客户要求,用什么木材,用多厚的板,进行胶水榫卯拼接固定。其次就是粘贴绘图,图绘好后,粘贴于拼板之上。第三就是进行手工雕刻,这是最重要的一步,分工不同,各取所长,先粗雕,后精雕。第四是打磨,先粗磨,后精磨。第五是上漆,先上底漆,至少三四遍,再上表漆。上漆是对木雕防裂的一种保护,有的客户喜欢原汁原味不上漆的,根据客户要求来就行。第六是装框,装框时一定要钉好挂钩。最后就是送货上门安装,小尺寸的挂屏客户钉个钉子就可以挂上,大尺寸的就得上门服务了。参观了纯手工木雕平面木雕现场,您有什么想说的,欢迎留言评论……。 Friends who have seen many handmade flat wood carvings may be interested in seeing what the wood carving site looks like, and may also want to learn about the craftsmanship process of handmade flat wood carvings. They may also want to know about a certain master. Today, let's take our friends to visit the carving site of pure handmade flat wood carving, so that everyone can have a thorough understanding of pure handmade flat wood carving.Everyone on site has already seen that there are both large-sized and small-sized carving tools, all of which are traditional chisels, hammers, etc., and there is nothing special about them. Two important points to note are the drawings, which are now available in both hand drawn and computer printed versions. The second is the master. The completion of a work may not necessarily be completed by the same master, but more often, it is the collaboration of multiple masters, such as some responsible for painting, some responsible for rough carving, and some responsible for fine carving.The process of pure handmade flat wood carving is not complicated. Firstly, it involves panel splicing. Depending on the customer's requirements, the type of wood and thickness of the board are used for adhesive tenon and mortise joint fixation. Next is to paste the drawing, which is then pasted onto the panel. The third step is to carry out manual carving, which is the most important step. The division of labor is different, each taking their strengths, starting with rough carving and then fine carving. The fourth is polishing, first rough grinding, and then fine grinding. The fifth step is to apply paint. First, apply primer, at least three or four times, and then apply topcoat. Painting is a form of protection against cracking in wood carvings. Some customers prefer to leave it unpainted in its original color, so it is appropriate to follow the customer's requirements. The sixth is framing, and when framing, be sure to nail the hooks properly. Finally, it's time for delivery and on-site installation. For small-sized screens, customers can simply nail them on, while for large-sized screens, on-site service is required.Visited the pure handmade wood carving flat wood carving site. If you have anything to say, please feel free to leave a comment.