说一个老生常谈的事实:印度早已经在严厉控制砍伐和走私小叶紫檀,从一开始只通过海关控制,发展到封山,甚至在山脚派驻军事部队。上山砍树或交易的木材商被抓后, 将受到重罚。对印度的严格管控,木材商除了通过印度政府举办的国际拍卖获得原材料外,只能冒险选择“迂回”路线。如将原材料一路向西,从印度运至迪拜自由贸易港,再辗转至中国。这样一来,小叶紫檀的运输成本随之上涨……
True craftsman, with the original mind, learn the craftsmanship, with sincerity, create the craftsmanship! Select the raw materials of Indian red sandalwood with large caliber, one wood, one knife and one person, with fine craftsmanship and ancient craftsmanship, don't ask for collection, but for cultivation, devout statue making, extreme craftsmanship, carve a more beautiful, more ornamental, more competitive in the market, more valuable in collection, and more appreciation space!
The color of red sandalwood is very pleasant. The color is ruddy. Because of the red celebration, it is more in line with the taste of the Chinese people, and is more likely to be liked by the majority of players. This is one reason why ancient emperors like to use red sandalwood as furniture.
It's a clich é fact: India has been strictly controlling the cutting and smuggling of red sandalwood. From the beginning, it was only controlled by customs, and developed to the mountain closure, and even sent military forces at the foot of the mountain. When a timber trader is caught cutting trees or trading on the mountain, he will be severely punished. Due to strict control over India, besides obtaining raw materials through international auctions held by the Indian government, timber merchants can only take risks in "circuitous" routes. For example, raw materials are transported all the way to the west, from India to Dubai free trade port, and then to China. In this way, the transportation cost of red sandalwood will increase
At present, the raw materials of sandalwood in India are less and less, and the big caliber is even scarcer. It's hard to get a big caliber raw material. If we don't carve out good works, it really hurts us
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