二十世纪初确立的现代性概念在艺术领域对绘画和雕塑语言进行了彻底的更新,对于现代主义来说,“新”是唯一的真正价值,这迫使艺术家们选择现代性题材进行创造性的绘画和雕塑,然而在雕塑界,事实是很多雕塑师尽管进行了大幅度的主题更新,但还是走不出传统雕塑思维的约束。而Emmanuel Fillion创作的捆绑雕塑,以一种全新的方式展示了现代性概念,突破了传统雕塑思维的禁锢,让观者耳目一新,又发人深省,拍案叫绝。从古至今,在很多国度,一直都有着男尊女卑的封建思想,禁锢着女性的自由和平等,Emmanuel Fillion捆绑雕塑,以女性的身体被绳子捆绑为展示形式,以一种痛苦着的美,批判了封建思想对女性的束缚和摧残,以唤起人们对女性的尊重,倡导男女平等、自由的主题思想。The concept of modernity established at the beginning of the 20th century has thoroughly updated the language of painting and sculpture in the field of art. For modernism, "new" is the only true value, which forces artists to choose modern themes for creative painting and sculpture. However, in the field of sculpture, the fact is that although many sculptors have made significant thematic updates, they still cannot break free from the constraints of traditional sculpture thinking. The bundled sculptures created by Emmanuel Fillion showcase the concept of modernity in a completely new way, breaking through the constraints of traditional sculpture thinking, refreshing and thought-provoking for viewers, leaving them amazed.From ancient times to the present, in many countries, there has always been a feudal ideology of male superiority and female inferiority, which imprisons women's freedom and equality. Emmanuel Fillion tied sculptures, showcasing the binding of women's bodies with ropes, criticizing the constraints and devastation of feudal thought on women with a painful beauty, in order to awaken people's respect for women and advocate for the theme of gender equality and freedom.