从小就热爱大自然的美国艺术家克里斯托·莫雷(Crystal Morey),运用拟人化的雕塑语言,将自然、人生与生命的思考融入到雕塑中,以女性人体叠加兽头的另类造型,创造出奇异的陶瓷雕塑艺术,以唤醒人们对自然生态和人类社会未来的深度思考。看了雕塑之后,个人得出一个不成熟的观点:不戴面具和戴着面具,同样可怕!想想现在的世界,心中五味杂念。国与国之间,总是平静的心再起涟漪,或许这世界就从来没有真正的平静过,暗流涌动才是世界的主旋律。而人与人之间,光鲜的外表下,谁也不知道脑子里在盘算着什么。 或许在未来的某一天,人类会摒弃所有成见,共筑同一个探索宇宙的梦,全方位通力合作,创造科技奇迹,以科技的力量,载着人类去探索宇宙深处的秘密! 一千个人同时看一个雕塑,可能会有一千个不同的观点,这就是雕塑艺术的巨大魅力!欢迎您也说说自己的观点和看法! American artist Crystal Morey, who has loved nature since childhood, uses anthropomorphic sculptural language to integrate the thoughts of nature, life, and life into sculpture. With the alternative shape of a female body overlaid with a beast's head, he creates a peculiar ceramic sculpture art to awaken people's deep thinking about the natural ecology and the future of human society.After seeing the sculpture, I came to an immature viewpoint: wearing a mask is equally terrifying as not wearing a mask! Thinking about the current world, there are five mixed thoughts in my heart. Between nations, peaceful hearts always ripple again. Perhaps the world has never truly been peaceful, and the main melody of the world is the surging undercurrents. And between people, beneath their glamorous appearance, no one knows what's going on in their minds.Perhaps one day in the future, humanity will abandon all prejudices, build the same dream of exploring the universe, work together in all aspects, create technological miracles, and use the power of technology to carry humanity to explore the secrets deep in the universe! A thousand people looking at a sculpture at the same time may have a thousand different perspectives, which is the great charm of sculpture art! Welcome to share your own opinions and perspectives!