
文摘   2023-11-19 22:58   云南  

约翰·迪安德雷亚(John DeAndrea)是一位美国雕塑家,他对人物形象进行了强烈的现实主义描绘,为当代人类生活提供了一幅不可思议的画像。他的作品采用塑料、聚酯、玻璃纤维、天然毛发等材料,经天然石膏浇铸而成,达到了高度的技术精度和逼真的外观。他解释说,他的作品并不是政治意义上的,而是一种对个人自我意识的存在主义的一瞥。“你看人不像看雕塑”,他解释了公众对他的作品的兴趣。我们在一个房间里,互相看了一眼。有了雕塑,你可以绕着它走,把它拆开,检查一下”。

John DeAndrea is an American sculptor whose intensely realistic depictions of human figures, both nude and clothed, offer an uncanny portrait of contemporary human life. Made using plastic, polyester, fiber glass, and natural hair, his work is painted after naturalistic gypsum casting to achieve a high degree of technical precision and lifelike appearance. He has explained that his work is not intended as political, but rather an existential glimpse at an individual’s sense of self. “You don’t look at people like you look at a sculpture”, the artist has explained about the public’s interest in his work. “We’re in a room and we glance at each other. With a sculpture you can walk around it, take it apart, examine it. That’s part of what makes them appealing.” 
DeAndrea’s works is representative of Hyperrealism, whose other notable participants include Duane Hanson, Chuck Close, and George Segal, among others. 
Born on November 24, 1941 in Denver, CO, DeAndrea received his BFA from the University of Colorado at Boulder. Today, his works are in the collections of the Portland Art Museum, the Art Gallery of Western Australia in Perth, the Scottish National Gallery of Modern Art in Edinburgh, and the Center Georges Pompidou in Paris, among others. The artist continues to live and work in Denver, CO.







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