
文摘   教育   2024-12-28 08:45   意大利  


        There is always a great chasm between theory and practice, and learning vocabulary is a perfect example.

        Many students are what I’d call tech utopians, or at least overly optimistic about tools. They’ve tried everything—prefixes and suffixes, spaced repetition, flashcards, language apps—but most quit before they see results. Take one student, for instance, who started with 4,300 TOEFL words. He experimented with the Ebbinghaus forgetting curve, color-coded vocabulary books, and various apps. He tried image associations, storytelling, word roots—an entire buffet of methods. But theory remained rich, while practice lacked horsepower.


        The reason is simple: learning isn’t a static plan—it’s a process unfolding over time. As soon as you begin, countless unforeseen events emerge. And these contingencies disrupt even the most precise methods. As boxer Mike Tyson put it: “Everyone has a plan until they get punched in the mouth.” Learning is no different. What looks perfect on paper often collapses under real-world pressure.
        原因很简单:学习不是静态的现成计划,而是在时间中展开的过程。一旦开始,无数意外的分支便会出现,而这些分支会扰乱严密的学习方法。正如拳王泰森所说:“每个人都有自己的计划,直到他挨了第一拳。” 学习也是如此,看起来完美的计划常常会在现实中土崩瓦解。

        Successful language learning isn’t just about cramming theories—it requires deep engagement with content that stretches both breadth and depth. There are endless “correct” methods out there—videos on Bilibili or YouTube show step-by-step guides on extensive reading. My colleague Shawney has created videos for millions of viewers, offering clear roadmaps for reading original texts. But even he and I agree: the real challenge is doing it.

        Many students start with the widely praised i+1 method of “comprehensible input,” progressing from graded readers to more difficult books. The problem? Graded readers oversimplify original texts, stripping them of their vibrant details. And without output—such as writing 300-500 words reflections or turning these reflections into spoken presentations—students lose motivation. When input is dry and lifeless, learning feels pointless. Attention drifts, enthusiasm wanes, and soon, the carefully laid-out study plan falls apart.

        The same applies to vocabulary learning. Each word carries multiple meanings and nuances. A good teacher helps you focus on the most essential, high-frequency usage first, saving less common meanings for later. Some obscure meanings occupy structural holes in academic texts—bridging different fields in subtle ways. To master these words, you need both breadth—the ability to use them flexibly—and depth—an understanding of their cultural and historical weight.

        A good teacher doesn’t simply drill you with definitions and examples. Instead, they guide you through meaningful contexts, where words emerge naturally. Vocabulary must be lived, not memorized. Word roots and prefixes are useful only when they reveal patterns within words you encounter, not when isolated as abstract rules. Learning should feel like discovery, not drudgery.

        Vocabulary learning and reading progress in a double helix: as your reading advances, so must your vocabulary. When you hit a vocabulary bottleneck, short bursts of intensive study help you break through. Once you master 8,000 words, you unlock a golden window of comprehension—books like Harry Potter, The Kite Runner, 1984, Guns, Germs, and Steel and Why Nations Fail become accessible.


        Nietzsche once wrote, “If you gaze long enough into the abyss, the abyss will gaze back into you.” But I’d like to offer a twist: If you leap into the abyss with proper guidance and tools, you’ll find light, not darkness, waiting at the bottom. 
        尼采曾写道:“当你凝视深渊足够久时,深渊也会回望你。” 但我想换个角度:如果你带着合理的指导和工具纵身跃入深渊,你会发现,等待你的不是黑暗,而是一缕光明。 

        Theories will always remain gray and distant unless you stop arguing about them and start doing. Dive into the rabbit hole, practice the details, and let the art of vocabulary unfold naturally. Only by doing will you keep your learning momentum alive.

        That’s how you sustain your horsepower in learning English. Horsepower is superpower!



1. 托福词汇8000导师精品课:“阅读自由”的关键步骤
2. 高中词汇3500-英文原版导读
3. Zero to Hero英文原版书单 | 25门导师进阶方案(最新!)

1. 46岁疾病缠身却完成五个国家的全马,我的英语学习有一种长跑的松弛感
2. 被精神疾患和教育工厂双重折磨的中国学子,如何飞跃疯人院?
3. 高中3500-托福8000词汇 | 一站式解决方案
4. 托福词汇8000进阶手册:英语“词汇自由”指南


1. 词汇测试成绩(精确到百位) http://testyourvocab.com/  英语能力的量化评估:如何测词,理解自己的词汇水位?
2. 所在学校和年级/职业 
3. 今后的学习目标(eg: 高考、美高、美本、职业方面)
4. 英语学习时间安排计划(和该课程冲突?正好符合?有部分冲突)



◾ 2010年外研社演讲大赛全国季军;

◾ 2009年中央电视台希望之星风采大赛四川省冠军;

◾ 屡次在国际英国议会制辩论赛获奖;

◾ 人事部口、笔译二级(CATTI);

◾ 托福118,口语写作阅读满分。

◾ 演讲、辩论教练;托福雅思词汇,GRE教学专家;留学规划申请专家。

◾ 众多学生获得各类演讲大赛全国大奖,不少考入世界著名高中大学,如全美排名第一的高中Phillips Academy Andover(菲利普斯·安多弗),斯坦福大学东亚系博士等。
