Today - Dec 20 Father of Quality

文摘   2024-12-20 07:44   上海  

Dec 20, 1993

William Edwards Deming, the American business theorist, composer, economist, industrial engineer, management consultant, statistician, and writer, died at 93.

如果你在外企工作,或者从事生产、制造业、项目管理工作,或者学过LEAN或6 Sigma理论,应该知道这个名字。

这个图叫做 PDCA (Plan-Do-Check-act cyce),也叫the Shewhart / Deming cycle,发明人就是William Edwards Deming.

Deming也被称为“现代质量之父”(father of quality)。


Quote for Today

“Without data, you're just another person with an opinion.”
- W. Edwards Deming 

Have a Laugh

If a stranger insults me, I'll probably ignore it, as their opinion is meaningless.

If a stranger compliments me, I'll probably treasure it, as their opinion is important.

(one of the paradoxes for many people)
