The UNESCO Courier Forum | 第二届联合国教科文组织《信使》论坛圆满闭幕

文摘   时事   2024-04-17 18:26   法国  

Reviewing wonderful moments of previous Courier Forums. Promoting upcoming events.


©️  UNESCO Headquarters|法国巴黎联合国教科文组织总部


Intercultural dialogue and mutual learning were the topics at the 2nd edition of the UNESCO Courier Forum, held at UNESCO’s Paris Headquarters on 15 April 2024. Two panels of international experts discussed cultural exchange along the historic Silk Roads, and the contemporary challenges of intercultural communication. Nearly 300 guests from more than 40 countries attended. 

©️  UNESCO Headquarters|联合国教科文组织《信使》论坛现场

联合国教科文组织副总干事曲星回顾《信使》前杂志主编爱德华-格里桑(Édouard Glissant)的理念,实现人类文明的共同愿景,即是发展共同的人性,发展“全天下”(Tout-monde)。他提到,《信使》杂志在2017年的复刊是归功于中国的支持,并表示诚挚感谢,“是来自中方的支持让我们能够重新创办这份报纸,让我们能够继续向世界展示其多样性……今天,《信使》一如既往,将继续为来自世界各地的知识分子、专家和艺术家提供交流的平台。”

Speaking at the event, UNESCO Deputy Director-General Qu Xing quoted Édouard Glissant, the former editor of the UNESCO Courier, as saying, “always with the same horizon, recall our common humanity and promote the ‘Tout-monde’.” He recalled the relaunch of the UNESCO Courier in 2017 “thanks to the support of the People’s Republic of China, which I warmly thank here, which made it possible to relaunch this journal, to see the world in all its diversity ... Today, as in the past, the UNESCO Courier continues to be a forum for the voices of intellectuals, experts, and artists from around the world.”

©️ UNESCO联合国教科文组织副总干事曲星


Deputy Director-General Qu Xing also quoted the remarks of Albert Einstein on mutual trust and the menace of war, published in the UNESCO Courier in 1951: “no effective institution for the collective security of nations is possible without understanding and a measure of reciprocal confidence.” He called on all parties to build trust.

©️ UNESCO|中国中宣部副部长张建春


Zhang Jianchun, vice minister of the Publicity Department of the CPC, said in his opening speech that facing risks and challenges in today's world, it is necessary to explore the classics to draw on the wisdom of civilizations, to both inherit and innovate so as to promote development and progress, to communicate and cooperate so as to enhance mutual understanding. He recalled that in March 2014, Chinese President Xi Jinping visited UNESCO Headquarters for the first time and delivered a speech on promoting exchange and mutual learning among civilizations.

Ten years on, exchange and mutual learning are becoming increasingly popular, sharing Chinese wisdom and solutions for the common interests of all humankind, Zhang said. "China stays fully engaged in fruitful cooperation with all parties, including UNESCO, jointly promoting exchanges and dialogue among civilizations." He called on all parties to actively support the Global Development Initiative, the Global Security Initiative, and the Global Civilization Initiative, three initiatives put forward by President Xi, to enhance consensus among civilizations and promote common development.

©️  UNESCO|联合国教科文组织《信使》论坛
In discussions, experts on the panels emphasized how the cultural exchanges of ideas, religions, and art have consistently contributed to the enrichment of all cultures, while also exploring the key challenges of intercultural exchanges and dialogue between civilizations in a globalized, urbanized, and digital world.

©️ UNESCO | 联合国教科文组织
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After the forum, representatives and guests were invited to visit the exhibition Tracing the History of The UNESCO Courier and discover "The UNESCO Courier" Podcast at the UNESCO Headquarters. They also participated in Chinese cultural performances, including  classical dance, martial arts performances, calligraphy, and tea ceremonies.




To promote UNESCO's mandate. 《信使》杂志是联合国教科文组织1948年创办的旗舰性期刊,传播组织理念,倡导文明对话。