INVITATION | 第二届联合国教科文组织《信使》论坛 - 文明交流互鉴与人类共同愿景

文摘   时事   2024-03-15 23:33   法国  

Activities specially dedicated to the young generation !


©️ 联合国教科文组织《信使》杂志


The UNESCO Courier is pleased to invite you to the UNESCO Courier Forum - Intercultural Dialogue and Mutual Learning: Shared Horizons.


"Her Education, Our Future" is a documentary film produced by CGTN in partnership with UNESCO. It tells the story of four girls on three continents - Anee from Pakistan, Mkasi from Tanzania, and Fabiana and Tania from Brazil. All the girls have been involved in UNESCO programmes aimed at widening their access to education, enhancing their skills for life and work, and expanding their educational and career opportunities.

Scan the QR code to register 

the UNESCO Courier Forum - Intercultural Dialogue and Mutual Learning: Shared Horizons

时间:2024 年4月15日 下午三点


入口:巴黎七区 Suffren路125号

Monday, 15 April 2024

At 3 p.m at UNESCO House

Entrance: 125, avenue de Suffren, Paris 7th

  • 论坛将提供以下语言的口译服务:中文、英文和法文 

    Interpretation of the Forumwill be provided in Chinese, English and French

  • 论坛结束后,将于下午 6:30 在 Pas Perdus 大厅举办联合国教科文组织《信使》杂志历史回顾展览。

    An exhibition tracing the history of The UNESCO Courier will be held in the Pas Perdus Hall after the forum at 6:30 p.m.

  • 请于 2024 年 3 月 29 日前回复确认参加

    RSVP is required by 29 March 2024

杜杜·迪安先生(Doudou Diène,塞内加尔)和赵汀阳先生(中国)将作主旨发言。迪安先生任曾任教科文组织文化间对话处处长,2002 年至 2008 年担任联合国当代形式种族主义问题特别报告员。赵汀阳先生任中国社会科学院学部委员、哲学研究所研究员,提出了“天下体系”理论,把天下概念转化为当代问题。

The keynote speech will be delivered by Mr Doudou Diène (Senegal), former Director of UNESCO’s Division of Intercultural Dialogue and UN Special Rapporteur on contemporary forms of racism from 2002 to 2008 and Mr Zhao Tingyang (China), Professor of philosophy at the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences.

其他专家包括剑桥大学地中海史荣誉教授大卫·阿布拉菲亚(David Abulafia)先生(英国)、清华大学国家遗产中心主任吕舟先生(中国)、莱顿大学亚欧思辨遗产研究助理教授埃琳娜·帕斯卡莱娃(Elena Paskaleva)女士(荷兰)、哲学家兼哲学史家里卡多·波佐(Riccardo Pozzo)先生(意大利)。

Other experts include Mr David Abulafia (UK), Professor Emeritus of Mediterranean history at University of Cambridge; Mr Lyu Zhou (China), Director of National Heritage Center of Tsinghua University; Ms Elena Paskaleva (Netherlands), Assistant professor in Critical Heritage Studies of Asia and Europe at Leiden University and Mr Riccardo Pozzo (Italy), philosopher and historian of philosophy.

©️ The UNESCO Courier




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UNESCO 7, place de Fontenoy 75007 Paris France

To promote UNESCO's mandate. 《信使》杂志是联合国教科文组织1948年创办的旗舰性期刊,传播组织理念,倡导文明对话。