
文摘   时事   2024-04-27 15:36   法国  

Reviewing wonderful moments of previous Courier Forums. Promoting upcoming events.


©️  UNESCO Headquarters|法国巴黎联合国教科文组织总部


Intercultural dialogue and mutual learning were the topics at the 2nd edition of the UNESCO Courier Forum, held at UNESCO’s Paris Headquarters on 15 April 2024. Two panels of international experts discussed cultural exchange along the historic Silk Roads, and the contemporary challenges of intercultural communication. Nearly 300 guests from more than 40 countries attended. 

 开幕  ·  致辞 
Opening remarks

今天,《信使》仍是我们'了解世界的窗口',它深刻体现了联合国教科文组织的价值观与理念。自 1948 年以来,伟大思想家们,在《信使》杂志的一页页、一期期内容之中,反思我们在时代中面临的挑战。

Nous célébrons aujourd'hui cette « fenêtre sur le monde », pour reprendre son sous-titre, une publication qui incarne tant les valeurs et les engagements de notre Organisation. Depuis 1948, page après page, numéro après numéro, les grands penseurs de notre temps n’ont eu de cesse, dans notre journal, de réfléchir aux défis contemporains.


QU Xing, UNESCO Deputy Director-General


… …


Ten years on, exchange and mutual learning are becoming increasingly popular, sharing Chinese wisdom and solutions for the common interests of all humankind. China actively practices the concept of exchanges and mutual learning among civilizations, and cooperates with all parties, including UNESCO, to achieve practical results and jointly promote exchanges and dialogue among different civilizations ... As UNESCO's laboratory of ideas and flagship magazine, The Courier has established a platform for international dialogue between cultures.


ZHANG Jianchun (China), Vice Minister of Publicity Department of CPC


Nous vivons aujourd’hui le temps du Mur (identitaire,culturel, religieux) donc de l’enfermement, du rejet de l’alterité. Seuls les objets matériels et financiers de consommation   circulent. La Route interculturelle casse le Mur, relie, réunit, interféconde et favorise le mouvement et la rencontre des peuples et des cultures. L’identité et le patrimoine se vivent comme rencontre, interaction, pluralisme.

——杜杜·迪安先生(塞内加尔), 曾任教科文组织文化间对话部门主任
Doudou DIÈNE (Senegal), Former Director of UNESCO's Division of Intercultural Dialogue


I would rather imagine a second-best possible world, a new Tianxia, based upon a new concept of the political as the art of changing hostility into hospitality, contrary to Carl Schmitt’s recognition of enemy or Huntington’s clashes of civilizations.


ZHAO Tingyang (China), Professor of philosophy at the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences

分论坛 1:丝绸之路:人类文化交流的璀璨乐章
Panel 1

贸易和远距离物品运输(特别是海上运输)的影响极大地影响了艺术发展和宗教思想。在泰国发现的罗马硬币,以及运载来自中国的陶瓷的船只,例如在埃及发现的一件公元 1000 年的陶瓷制品,都证明了跨越广阔空间的联系。

The impact of trade and the transport of objects across great distances, particularly by sea, whichgreatly influenced artistic developments and religious ideas”. Roman coins found in Thailand, and ships carrying ceramics from China, such as a piece found in Egypt dating to 1000 AD, are evidence of really exciting connections right across an enormous space.

——David ABULAFIA 先生 (英国), 英国剑桥大学地中海历史教授 

David ABULAFIA (UK), Professor Emeritus of Mediterranean History at University of Cambridge


The spread of the technology of paper production to the West also brought Chinese caligraphy and aesthetics to the West. Symbols and patterns with Chinese cultural characteristics can be found in many decorations and buildings in Central and West Asia. Richly decorated Chinese paper was a precious commodity, and was used by calligraphers for the creation of the most exquisite Qur’ans produced in the East.

——Elena PASKALEVA 女士 (荷兰), 莱顿大学亚洲与欧洲思辨遗产研究助理教授

Elena PASKALEVA (Netherlands), Assistant professor in Critical Heritage Studies of Asia and Europe at Leiden University


Economic and trade exchanges play an important role in promoting mutual learning among civilizations. Starting from the Roman Empire and Han Dynasty, the East and West's need for each other's goods gave rise to early international trade and boosted the economic development of countries along the route. Merchant groups played a role in transmitting information and exchanging culture. They brought Chinese ceramics and tea to the West, and unique European spices to China, promoting exchanges and mutual learning between different civilizations.

——Susan DENYER 女士 (英国), 国际古迹遗址理事会世界遗产事务高级顾问

Susan DENYER (UK), Senior World Heritage Advisor, ICOMOS


For thousands of years, the Silk Road facilitated political, economic, and cultural exchanges between Eastern and Western countries, exerting a profound influence on the development of civilizations in China, India, and Central Asia. The Dunhuang culture embodies the culmination of over a thousand years of cultural exchanges and mutual learning between Eastern and Western civilizations. The Dunhuang spirit is one of inclusiveness, of coexistence, of respect and appreciation of each other's cultures, and of exchange and cooperation. 

——赵声良先生 (中国), 敦煌学术委员会主任委员

ZHAO Shengliang (China), Director of Dunhuang Research Institute

分论坛 2:当今世界的跨文化对话
Panel 2

2004 年,我参加了雅典奥运会,当时我只有 14 岁,看到了来自世界各地的数千名运动员。我还参加过2008年、2012年的奥运会和其他比赛。我了解到,体育是和平与对话的工具。不仅不同国家的运动员之间,而且一个国家内部也存在很多跨文化问题。在同一国家内促进文化理解也很重要。

I was in the Olympics in Athens in 2004 when I was only 14, and saw thousands of athletes from around the world. I have also participated in the Olympics in 2008, 2012 and in other competitions. I understood through this that sport is a tool for peace and dialogue. I have found that there are many intercultural problems not only between athletes from different countries, but also within a country. It is also important to work on cultural understanding within the same country.

——Aya MEDANY女士 (埃及), 三届奥运会现代五项运动员,“和平与体育“组织冠军奖得主 

Aya MEDANY (Egypt), Olympic pentathlete and Peace and Sport's Champion for Peace  


Cultural exchanges are rooted in real needs and can help promote development and mitigate conflicts. We should establish a platform for equal dialogue and promote the smooth exchange of information, so as to jointly address global challenges and promote the building of a better world.

——Euan MACKWAY-JONES 先生 (英国), 教科文跨文化对话部门项目专员
Euan MACKWAY-JONES, UNESCO Program Specialist


Common ground is the basis for establishing dialogue, which can alleviate disputes. Safeguarding the shared community is the common interest of all mankind. Bridging differences and implementing the United Nations 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development is our top priority.

——Riccardo POZZO先生 (意大利), 维罗纳大学哲学系主任、国际哲学学院(IIP)院士

Riccardo POZZO (Italy), Chair of the History of Philosophy at Università di Roma Tor Vergata 

感谢《信使》对联合国教科文组织文化对话和交流的促进。我想借用教科文组织前任总干事Irina Bokova女士在2017年《信使》复刊时致辞中的一句话:'《信使》指引着未来的光明。它传递着人类尊严、人权和国际合作的信息和价值观'。

I would like to extend gratitude to The Courier for promoting cultural dialogue and exchange at UNESCO. To quote the former Director-General of UNESCO, Ms. Irina Bokova, in her speech at the relaunching of The Courier in 2017: "The Courier was often the only light for the future. It carried a message and values of human dignity, human rights and international cooperation."

——吕舟先生 (中国), 清华大学建筑学院教授、清华大学国家遗产中心主任

LYU Zhou (China), Director of National Heritage Center of Tsinghua University, Vice President of ICOMOS-CHINA, and Vice Chair of the UNESCO Silk Roads Network Platform

©️ The UNESCO Courier





To promote UNESCO's mandate. 《信使》杂志是联合国教科文组织1948年创办的旗舰性期刊,传播组织理念,倡导文明对话。