全奖读博(月薪 1.6万) | 通过菌根研究禾本科氮磷营养的遗传和环境决定因素

文摘   2024-08-28 10:38   澳大利亚  




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7. CPB | 不只是好看!幼叶迟绿背后隐藏的磷分配机制
8. 好书分享 | 土壤氮生态学(2021)
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11. PPT分享 | 植物养分:Plant Nutrients
12. PPT分享 | 植物根系
13. 2024影响因子 | 植物学、生态学、林学和土壤学


PhD Funded Position in Genetic and Environmental Determinants of N and P Nutrition in Poaceae via Mycorrhiza at INRAE in France

  • Beginning: 01/11/2024 

    开始时间:2024 年 11 月 1 日

  • Remuneration: 2100€ gross a month

    薪酬:每月总收入 2100 欧元

  • Reference: OT-22737 


  • Deadline: 13/09/2024 



1. 项目简介:
PhD Funded Position in Genetic and environmental determinants of N and P nutrition in Poaceae via mycorrhiza at INRAE and Université Bourgogne Dijon in France; The Institut National de Recherche pour l’Agriculture, l’Alimentation et l’Environnement (INRAE) in France is renowned for its research in agriculture, food, and the environment, offering numerous PhD positions that attract students from around the world.
在 INRAE 和法国勃艮第第戎大学通过菌根在禾本科中通过菌根进行 N 和 P 营养的遗传和环境决定因素的博士资助职位;法国国家农业、食品和环境研究所 (INRAE) 以其在农业、食品和环境方面的研究而闻名,提供众多博士职位,吸引了来自世界各地的学生。
Duration and Format: A PhD in France, including at INRAE, typically lasts 3 years. It involves research under the supervision of one or more thesis advisors within a specific research unit. PhD students are enrolled in a doctoral program affiliated with a university or a “Grande École.” Research Focus: INRAE’s PhD programs cover a wide array of topics, often centered around sustainable agriculture, food security, environmental sciences, and related biotechnologies.
持续时间和形式:在法国攻读博士学位,包括在 INRAE,通常持续 3 年。它涉及在特定研究单位内的一个或多个论文顾问的监督下进行研究。博士生就读于大学或“Grande École”附属的博士课程。研究重点:INRAE 的博士课程涵盖广泛的主题,通常以可持续农业、粮食安全、环境科学和相关生物技术为中心。
Selection: The process might be candidate-based or project-based, where students propose their research ideas. Interviews are common, assessing not just academic qualifications but also the fit with the research team and project. Support and Career Development: Beyond research, INRAE offers career guidance, skill development services, and various support systems for PhD students, aiming to make their time at INRAE a significant step in their professional life.
选择:该过程可能基于候选人或基于项目,学生提出他们的研究想法。面试不仅评估学术资格,还评估与研究团队和项目的契合度。支持和职业发展:除了研究之外,INRAE 还为博士生提供职业指导、技能发展服务和各种支持系统,旨在使他们在 INRAE 的时间成为他们职业生涯中的重要一步。
项目详情:PhD – Genetic and environmental determinants of N and P nutrition in Poaceae via mycorrhiza
The PhD student will be based in two units: “ Laboratory of Plant-Microbe-Environment Interactions“ (LIPME, team “Arbuscular mycorrhizal symbiosis efficacy; Castanet-Tolosan) and “Agroecology“ (team “Plant health: defence and mycorrhiza”

Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) provide their host plants with mineral elements such as nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) gathered from a large volume of soil explored by their mycelial network. Arbuscular mycorrhizal symbiosis thus improves plant nutrition and resistance to abiotic stresses. However, there is variability in the efficacy of this symbiosis in promoting host plant growth, which depends on both genetic factors (on the host and symbiont sides) and environmental factors, such as the availability of nutrients in the soil and the connection of the mycelial network to different hosts (genotypes or species). Little or nothing is known about how these factors regulate N and P nutrition via mycorrhiza.
丛枝菌根真菌 (AMF) 为寄主植物提供矿物元素,例如氮 (N) 和磷 (P),这些元素是从其菌丝网络探索的大量土壤中收集的。因此,丛枝菌根共生改善了植物营养和对非生物胁迫的抵抗力。然而,这种共生在促进寄主植物生长方面的功效存在差异,这取决于遗传因素(在宿主和共生体方面)和环境因素,例如土壤中养分的可用性以及菌丝网络与不同宿主(基因型或物种)的联系。关于这些因素如何通过菌根调节 N 和 P 营养,我们知之甚少或一无所知。

2. 博士期间任务:

The aim of this PhD project is to characterise the effects of genotype*genotype*environment (G*G*E) interactions on the regulation of mycorrhizal N and P nutrition pathways, and host physiology. Soil N and P availability (amount, type and ratio) and plant-plant interactions via the mycelial network will be studied as environmental variables. Genes encoding transcription factors and transporters involved in mycorrhizal N (ammonium or nitrate) and P nutrition will be identified using in silico approaches and their expression will be studied using RNAseq and qRT-PCR. The biochemical properties of the transporters will be studied in yeast.

本博士项目的目的是表征基因型*基因型*环境 (G*G*E) 相互作用对菌根 N 和 P 营养途径和宿主生理学调节的影响。土壤 N 和 P 可用性(数量、类型和比率)以及通过菌丝网络的植物-植物相互作用将作为环境变量进行研究。将使用计算机模拟方法鉴定编码涉及菌根 N(铵或硝酸盐)和 P 营养的转录因子和转运蛋白的基因,并使用 RNAseq 和 qRT-PCR 研究它们的表达。将在酵母中研究转运蛋白的生化特性。

The distribution of nutrients (N and P) by AMF to different plants connected by the mycelial network will be analysed by measuring 15N and 33P fluxes. Finally, host physiological traits, including N and P contents, will be measured. These studies will be carried out on the model species Brachypodium distachyon and then on other species, such as wheat, to determine whether the regulation of mycorrhizal N and P nutrition is conserved.

将通过测量 15N 和 33P 通量来分析 AMF 向由菌丝网络连接的不同植物的营养物质(N 和 P)的分布。最后,将测量宿主生理特性,包括 N 和 P 含量。这些研究将对模式物种 Brachypodium distachyon 进行,然后对小麦等其他物种进行,以确定菌根 N 和 P 营养的调节是否保守。

3. 资格:

We are looking for a candidate with a background in plant physiology, molecular biology and on the study of plant-microorganism interactions. Knowledge on arbuscular mycorrhizal symbiosis would be a strong asset. The candidate should be interested in data analysis (transcriptomics, multivariate data…).


4. 福利:

By joining our teams, you benefit from (depending on the type of contract and its duration):
  1. up to 30 days of annual leave + 15 days “Reduction of Working Time” (for a full time); 最多 30 天的年假 + 15 天的“减少工作时间”(全职);
  2. parenting support: CESU childcare, leisure services;育儿支持:CESU 托儿、休闲服务;
  3. skills development systems: training, career advise;技能发展系统:培训、职业咨询;
  4. social support: advice and listening, social assistance and loans;社会支持:咨询和倾听、社会援助和贷款;
  5. holiday and leisure services: holiday vouchers, accommodation at preferential rates;度假和休闲服务:度假券、优惠价格住宿;
  6. sports and cultural activities;体育和文化活动;
  7. collective catering. 集体餐饮。

5. 申请:

Apply via send e-mail to: Dr. Pierre-Emmanuel;  
通过电子邮件发送申请材料(简历和 cover letter)。



-- 植物生理生态  








