全奖读博 | 瑞典农业大学

文摘   2024-04-26 20:27   澳大利亚  





1. Functional Ecology | 碳从树木到菌根真菌子实体的运输速度和形式
2. 全奖读博 | 欧洲农业生物多样性(5 个名额)
3. “根系性状-根系经济空间”论文精选
4. 植物科学招聘 | 英国剑桥大学
5. Nature Reviews Microbiology综述 | 不同菌根共生的特有及共同特征
6. New Phytol | 玉米和它们的支柱根
7. New Phytologist | 细根表型可塑性对地下胁迫的响应导致圣栎的衰退
8. 好书分享 | 土壤氮生态学(2021)
9. 大牛讲座回放 | 土壤、寄生及真菌如何塑造植物多样性
10. 科研助手 | 生态学中那些好看的图表示例(附图库下载)
11. PPT分享 | 植物养分:Plant Nutrients
12. PPT分享 | 植物根系
13. 植物拟态:Call me by your name | 藤本植物叶片拟态保护植物免受草食动物的侵害





Plant nitrogen acquisition and responses to organic and mineral nitrogen


Boreal forest soils contain large quantities of nitrogen, but mainly organic forms. Plant nutritional physiology traditionally has a strong focus on inorganic nitrogen, and in growth experiments with nitrogen additions, nitrogen is often assumed to be synonymous with ammonium and nitrate. It is therefore an overlooked fact that such tests of ecosystem nitrogen limitation do not only add to a quantity of nitrogen in the soil, but also shift the chemical composition of that N away from organic forms and toward the mineral forms of nitrogen. In other words, N addition experiments in forest ecosystems are manipulating two factors (quantity and quality of soil N), and can therefore not separate their relative importance for the observed outcome. This is the challenge for the announced PhD project. The PhD student will study plant responses to organic and inorganic nitrogen forms, measuring biomass allocation, root anatomy and mycorrhizal interactions.

The announced PhD position is fully funded for four years, with the expectation that the student will defend their doctoral thesis at the end of this time period. The successful applicant will work under the supervision of Professor Torgny Näsholm. The PhD student will belong to a research group with broad expertise ranging from plant molecular biology, physiology and nutrition to forest ecophysiology, which will provide both support and opportunities for scientific discussion and exchange.
宣布的博士职位将获得为期四年的全额资助,预计学生将在这段时间结束时进行他们的博士论文答辩。成功的申请者将在Torgny Näsholm教授的指导下工作。博士生将属于一个研究小组,该研究小组拥有从植物分子生物学、生理学和营养学到森林生态生理学的广泛专业知识,这将为科学讨论和交流提供支持和机会。

Qualifications: 资格:
Basic requirements 基本要求
MSc degree in a relevant subject area (biology, ecology, forest science, ecophysiology etc.)
Good English communication skills (written and spoken)
Strong work ethic 

lace of work: 
Umeå, Sweden 
Forms for funding or employment:
Employment as PhD student, full time for 4 years
Starting date: 
Autumn 2024 

Application: 申请:
Click the “Apply” button to submit your application. The deadline is May 13 2024.
点击“申请”按钮提交您的申请。截止日期为 2024 年 5 月 13 日。
Applications should be written in English, and include the following:
A cover letter, introducing yourself and your reason for applying for the position
Short (max 1 page) description of your scientific background, research interests, and how you fulfill the qualifications listed above.
Copies of degree certificates (or corresponding documents), and other relevant documents and certificates (such as English scores, for instance)
Names and contact info for two professional references.

To qualify for third-cycle (Doctoral) courses and study programmes, you must have a second-cycle (Master’s) qualification. Alternatively, you must have conducted a minimum of four years of full-time study, of which a minimum of one year at second-cycle level.

Applicants will be selected based on their written application and CV, degree project, copies of their degree certificate and transcript of records from previous first and second-cycle studies at a university or higher education institution, two personal references, and knowledge of English. More information about the English language requirements can be found here: www.slu.se/en/education/programmes-courses/doctoral-studies/new-doctoral-students/english-language-requirements/

Please note that applicants invited to interview must submit attested copies of their degree certificate, or equivalent, a transcript of records from previous first and second-cycle studies at a university or higher education institution. Applicants who are not Swedish citizens need to submit an attested copy of their passport’s information page containing their photograph and personal details.

Read about the PhD education at SLU at 
www.slu.se/en/education/programmes-courses/doctoral-studies/ SLU 

Contact person 联系人
Nils Henriksson 





-- 植物生理生态  








