全奖读博(月薪 2000 欧起) | 德国莱布尼茨:作物生理

文摘   2024-07-15 11:18   澳大利亚  




1. Plant Soil | 磷限制森林中植物更普遍分泌根系羧化物:叶片锰的启示
2. 全奖读博 | 瑞士: 坐拥阿尔卑斯山美景
3. “根系性状-根系经济空间”论文精选
4. 植物科学招聘 | 英国剑桥大学
5. Nature Reviews Microbiology综述 | 不同菌根共生的特有及共同特征
6. 博士后招聘 | 德国霍恩海姆大学_3-year Postdoc
7. CPB | 不只是好看!幼叶迟绿背后隐藏的磷分配机制
8. 好书分享 | 土壤氮生态学(2021)
9. 大牛讲座回放 | 土壤、寄生及真菌如何塑造植物多样性
10. 科研助手 | 生态学中那些好看的图表示例(附图库下载)
11. PPT分享 | 植物养分:Plant Nutrients
12. PPT分享 | 植物根系
13. 2024影响因子 | 植物学、生态学、林学和土壤学


PhD Funded Position in Crop Physiology at Leibniz Centre for Agricultural Landscape Research in Germany



截止日期为 2024 年 8 月 3 日
1. 项目简介:
PhD Funded Position in crop physiology at Leibniz Centre for Agricultural Landscape Research in Germany; The mission of the Leibniz Centre for Agricultural Landscape Research (ZALF) as a nationally and internationally active research institute is to deliver solutions for an ecologically, economically and socially sustainable agriculture – together with society. ZALF is a member of the Leibniz Association and is located in Müncheberg (approx. 35 minutes by regional train from Berlin-Lichtenberg). It also maintains a research station with further locations in Dedelow and Paulinenaue.
德国莱布尼茨农业景观研究中心作物生理学博士资助职位;莱布尼茨农业景观研究中心 (ZALF) 作为一个活跃于国内外的研究机构,其使命是与社会一起为生态、经济和社会可持续农业提供解决方案。ZALF 是莱布尼茨协会的成员,位于明什贝格(从柏林-利希滕贝格乘坐区域火车约 35 分钟)。它还在 Dedelow 和 Paulinenaue 设有一个研究站。
The Cropping System Analysis group is offering a PhD position within the DFG funded research group, Agroforestry for sustainable multifunctional agriculture (FORMULA) as part of the sub-project, Management, productivity and yields. Together with partners at University of Giessen and ZALF, this PhD project has the task to investigate crop stressors along gradients perpendicular to tree lines in agroforestry systems.
种植系统分析小组正在 DFG 资助的可持续多功能农业农林业 (FORMULA) 研究小组内提供博士学位,作为管理、生产力和产量子项目的一部分。该博士项目与吉森大学和 ZALF 的合作伙伴合作,其任务是沿着垂直于农林业系统林线的梯度研究作物压力源。
The research will use a combination of experimentation and process-based model simulation to explore mechanisms of crop responses to single and multiple stressors in agroforestry systems. Subject to final approval of funds, we are offering a 65% (26 hours per week) position for 4 years at our location in Müncheberg as PhD student (f/m/d) 61-2024
该研究将结合实验和基于过程的模型模拟来探索农林业系统中作物对单一和多重应激源的反应机制。根据资金的最终批准,我们将在我们位于慕尼黑的地点提供为期 4 年的 65%(每周 26 小时)博士生职位(f/m/d)61-2024

2. 博士期间任务:

  • crop and soil data collection from two agroforestry sites in Brandenburg and Hesse

  • model simulation of crop growth in agroforestry systems

  • statistical analysis of modes of interaction between different stressors

  • publication of results in peer-reviewed scientific journals

3. Qualifications: 资格:

  • master in crop physiology, plant biology, ecology, agricultural engineering, math, physics or similar

  • willingness to undertake extensive field work

  • statistical and quantitative assessment skills

  • scripting skills in (e.g., R, python, …)
    脚本编写技能(例如 R、Python……)

  • interest to learn about and apply process-based agroecosystem simulation models

  • knowledge of cropping systems’ responses to environmental factors

  • good teamwork skills with willingness to collaborate across disciplines

  • as an internationally research institution, located in Germany we require good to very good written and spoken English skills and the willingness to take part in further training as part of the language courses in German offered internally

4. 我们提供什么:

  • interdisciplinary working environment that encourages independence

  • opportunity to collaborate with leading international scientists and networks in cropping and agroeco-system analysis

  • strong institutional commitment to a good work-life balance

  • classification according to the collective agreement of the federal states (TV-L) up to EG 13 with a 65% weekly working time (including special annual payment)
    根据联邦州集体协议 (TV-L) 分类,最高可达 EG 13,每周工作时间为 65%(包括特殊年薪)

  • a collegial and open-minded working atmosphere in a dynamic research institution

  • company ticket 


  • in-house language courses in German and English

Women are particularly encouraged to apply. Applications from severely disabled persons with equal qualifications are favored. The filling of the position in part-time is possible in principle. Please send your application preferably online (see button online application below). For e-mail applications, create a PDF document (one PDF file, max. 5 MB; packed PDF documents, archive files like zip, rar etc. Word documents cannot be processed and therefore cannot be considered!) with the usual documents, in particular CV, proof of qualification and certificates, stating the reference number 61-2024 until August 3, 2024 to (see button e-mail application below).
特别鼓励女性申请。具有同等资格的重度残疾人的申请受到优先考虑。原则上可以兼职填补该职位。请最好在线发送您的申请(请参阅下面的在线申请按钮)。对于电子邮件应用程序,使用常用文档创建一个 PDF 文档(一个 PDF 文件,最大 5 MB;打包的 PDF 文档、zip、rar 等存档文件。Word 文档无法处理,因此不能考虑!)特别的简历、资格证明和证书,注明参考号 61-2024,截止日期为 2024 年 8 月 3 日。

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us: Prof. Dr. Heidi Webber, webber@zalf.de For cost reasons, application documents or extensive publications can only be returned if an adequately stamped envelope is attached. If you apply, we collect and process your personal data in accordance with Articles 5 and 6 of the EU GDPR only for the processing of your application and for purposes that result from possible future employment with the ZALF. Your data will be deleted after six months.
如果您有任何疑问,请随时联系Heidi Webber 教授、博士,webber@zalf.de

5. Application: 在线申请:



-- 植物生理生态  








