系列讲座 | 森林生态学面临的挑战

文摘   2024-02-07 08:27   澳大利亚  





1. 讲座视频 | Hans Lambers院士:根经济谱
2. 计算全世界真菌的种类
3. “根系性状-根系经济空间”论文精选
4. Ecology | 卵菌病原体作为植物-土壤反馈驱动因素的作用
5. Nature Reviews Microbiology综述 | 不同菌根共生的特有及共同特征
6. 病原菌如何进化从而应对植物的防御?
7. 源-库动态驱动外生菌根共生体系的资源交换
8. 好书分享 | 土壤氮生态学(2021)
9. 大牛讲座回放 | 土壤、寄生及真菌如何塑造植物多样性
10. 科研助手 | 生态学中那些好看的图表示例(附图库下载)
11. PPT分享 | 植物养分:Plant Nutrients
12. PPT分享 | 植物根系
13. CPB | 不只是好看!幼叶迟绿背后隐藏的磷分配机制



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Hans Lambers

University of Western Australia

Hans Lambers was appointed Professor of Ecophysiology at Utrech University (1985). After his migration to Australia he was appointed Professor of Plant Biology/Ecology at the University of Western Australia (1998). He was appointed Distinguished Professor at China Agricultural University (2019). In 2006, he started the Kwongan Foundation for the Conservation of Australian Native Biodiversity. He deals with rhizosphere biology and mineral nutrition of Australian native species and crop plants, seeking to discover how some Australian plants acquire phosphorus from depauperate soil and use it very


He has published more than 600 scientific journal articles and book chapters, and is the lead author of an authoritative textbook, Plant Physiological Ecology (1998, 2008, 2019). His publications attracted more than 64,000 citations and Clarivate lists him as one of the highly-cited authors in Plant and animal science, with an H index of 94. He has been Editor-in-Chief of the journal Plant and Soil since 1992 and served as Secretary General of the Federation of European Societies of Plant Physiology (1992-1998) and as President of the Australian Society of Plant Scientists (2001-2003). He holds Honorary Professorships at China Agricultural University, Beijing, China, the Chinese Academy of Sciences (Research Centre for Eco- Environmental Sciences, Beijing), China, Shenyang Agricultural University, Shenyang, China, and Jiangxi Agricultural University, Nanchang, China. He has been elected Fellow of the Dutch Academy of Sciences (1997), Fellow of the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences (2003), and Fellow of the Australian Academy of Science (2012). Hans has recently been made a life member of the Australian Society of Plant Scientists.

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Andrea Polle

Universität of Göttingen

Andrea Polle has been working as Professor of Forest Botany and Tree Physiology at Georg-August Universität of Göttingen since 1996. Her major research interests are molecular ecophysiology of stress adaptation in trees and tree-biotic interactions under globally changing environmental conditions. A focus is on tree-mycorrhizal associations. Her lab uses molecular methods and isotopes to study the functional diversity of ecomycorrhizal fungi. Andrea Polle is a leading scientist in the field of plant science. She has published more than 300 scientific articles that have been cited over 34000 times. She is an editor of the journals New Phytologist (environmental section) and Tree Physiology (review editor) She has been afiliated as visiting scientist with Beijing Forestry University. She has been elected as fellow of the Academy of Sciences of Lower Saxony (2006), where she is currenty serving as the vice-president. 

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Petr Baldrian

Charles University

Petr Baldrian studied microbiology at the Faculty of Science of the Charles University in Prague. Currently, he is the head of the Laboratory of Environmental Microbiology of the Institute of Microbiology of the Czech Academy of Sciences. His scientific work focuses on the ecology and biogeography of soil microorganisms, especially the contribution of bacteria and fungi to ecosystem functioning and their response to climate change. The main studied models are soils in forests under various impact of human management. Petr Baldrian is a professor of Environmental Sciences at the Charles University in Prague where he teaches several subjects in the field of microbial ecology. He is a Highly Cited Researcher who published over 250 papers in impact factor journals with more than 20 000 citations. His research was rewarded, for example with the Academic Award of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic or the Prize of the Learned Society of the Czech Republic. Petr Baldrian is the editor of ISME Journal, Microbiome, FEMS Microbiology Ecology and Fungal Ecology. Since November 2021, he serves as the president of the Czech Science Foundation. 

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Luke McCormack

Morton Arboretum 

LISLE, Ill. (Dec. 7, 2023)— The Morton Arboretum Tree Root Biologist Luke McCormack, Ph.D. leads the Arboretum’s Root Biology Lab which seeks to understand how functional root traits vary among plant species, populations of the same species, and even within individuals over time, then applies this information to assess and predict the success of trees in multiple environments. As roots and their activities below ground are often the least understood components of the integrated plant system, gaining a better understanding of these enigmatic organs has tremendous capacity to improve the appreciation and management of trees. The Arboretum’s Root Lab uses modeling and fieldbased research to interpret patterns of trait diversity and plant responses to their environment across spatial scales leveraging tools from multiple disciplines including plant physiology, plant and microbial ecology, and whole-ecosystem science. The guiding vision is to fundamentally change how belowground systems are perceived in both basic and applied research communities, highlighting the importance of root and rhizosphere processes to the overall health, resilience, and productivity of forest ecosystems. Learning more about roots and their underground activities, which are not well understood, will greatly enhance the appreciation and management of trees, McCormack noted. Luke has been recognized as one of the most cited and influential researchers worldwide by global information services provider Clarivate’s esteemed 2023 list of “Highly Cited Researchers.” 

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