
学术   财经   2025-01-17 09:00   上海  


The Research Landscape and Prospects of the Business Environment: Based on the Cost View, Resource View, and Business Ecosystem View

《外国经济与管理》2025年47卷第1期 页码:3-20 online:2025年1月20日


中:褚旭1 , 白云涛2,3 , 顾静2

英:Chu Xu1 , Bai Yuntao2,3 , Gu Jing2

作者单位:1.中国矿业大学 经济管理学院,江苏 徐州 221116; 2.厦门大学 管理学院,福建 厦门 361005; 3.厦门大学 中国营商环境研究中心,福建 厦门 361005




Summary: In the context of high-quality development in China, a high-quality business environment has become an important pillar for the sustainable development of enterprises and other business entities. At the same time, as the sum of external environments faced by enterprises and other entities in economic activities, the business environment has gradually received attention in practice and theory. Therefore, it is crucial to systematically sort out the research focus and potential issues of the business environment for the theoretical development and practical application of this field. Firstly, based on the cost view, resource view, and business ecosystem view, this paper analyzes the similarities and differences of the business environment in terms of connotation, dimension, and function, and summarizes four types of the business environment concept based on the logic of “entity-environment-function”. Secondly, taking “matching the conceptual connotation and value function” as the entry point, it sorts out the effect of the business environment, and concludes the role of the business environment in empowering the value-creation activities of business entities. Thirdly, on the basis of combing the indicator system for measuring the business environment in practice, it outlines the dimension division and data sources of the business environment in China’s existing research. Finally, it puts forward an outlook on the future research of the business environment in China, including clarifying core concepts and improving indicator systems, so as to provide new ideas for the subsequent theoretical development in the field of the business environment.

Key words:business environment; cost view; resource view; business ecosystem view; literature review




基金项目: 教育部人文社会科学规划基金项目(22YJA630001);国家自然科学基金面上项目(71672155);福建省自然科学基金项目(2024J01034)

