
学术   财经   2024-12-19 10:30   上海  


Is the Motive Ulterior or Pure? The Effect of Brand and Activism Issue Fit on Consumer Attitudes

《外国经济与管理》2024年46卷第12期 页码:119-134 online:2024年12月20日


中:谢升成1 , 卫海英1,2 , 刘福3 , 肖婷文4

英:Xie Shengcheng1 , Wei Haiying1,2 , Liu Fu3 , Xiao Tingwen4

作者单位:1.暨南大学 管理学院, 广东 广州 510632; 2.广州品牌创新发展研究基地, 广东 广州 510000; 3.山东大学 管理学院, 山东 济南 250100; 4.江西财经大学 工商管理学院,江西 南昌 330032




Summary: Nowadays, marketing is entering a new era of brand activism. How to select appropriate activism issues is the key to the success of brand activism strategy. However, little is known about the relationship between brand and activism issue fit and consumer brand attitudes. Drawing on the two-process model of similarity, this paper explores the impact of brand and activism issue fit (taxonomic vs. thematic) on consumer brand attitudes and its psychological mechanism. Specifically, based on secondary data and two laboratory experiments, the study finds that brand activism based on thematic (vs. taxonomic) fit is more effective in improving consumer brand attitudes and the mechanism of this effect is the perceived purity of justice motives of brand activism. This discrepancy in perceived justice motives is affected by the perception of benefit and loss. When consumers perceive losses, they will question the purity of justice motives in brand activism, even if the brand demonstrates higher pro-social efforts; whereas when consumers perceive benefits, it strengthens their perception of the justice motive purity of brand activism. The conclusions not only enrich the research on brand and activism issue fit and justice motives, but also provide a series of significant management implications for marketers to leverage brand activism strategies to obtain consumers’ positive brand attitudes.

Key words: brand and activism issue fit; consumer attitudes; perception of justice motive purity; perception of benefit and loss





