本讲通过学习最后八个问题的解答完成本知情同意指南(Informed Consent Guidance for Institutional Review Boards Clinical Investigators and Sponsors)的学习。这也属于自我学习的过程,如有解释不当的地方,欢迎指正并共同探讨。
9.Who can serve as a legally authorized representative (LAR) and what is their role?
10.How can informed consent be obtained through electronic methods?
11.Can a subject participate in more than one clinical investigation simultaneously?
12.How should data be handled when an enrolled subject decides to withdraw from a trial?
13.What steps should be taken to inform subjects when a study is suspended or terminated?
14.Should subjects be informed of aggregate study results at the completion of a trial?
15.Is informed consent required to review patient records?
16.How should subjects be informed of new information that may affect their willingness to continue participation in the research?