1. 本文人物身份:I and My cousin Gabriel 喜欢骑行;骑到Tournus饿坏了去买了点吃的。遇到一个穿着篮球服的女孩,女孩笑容灿烂。女孩把购物袋落在长凳上,但是登上了河船。我拿起购物袋向她挥动,女孩看到了购物袋但以为再也得不到它了。
2. 本文叙写思路:考生要设计a way to return it . 什么办法? 结合骑车,结合第二段首句,应该能推测出骑车送购物袋;
3. 第二段 Flat tire ,考生要设计车胎漏气是途中还是到码头时发生的? 比较惊险的设计是途中发生车胎漏气。谁负责修理?安排Gabriel 比较合理,方便设计人物之间的互动。
Step1: Analyze characters
Main roles: I and Gabriel
Minor role: a girl , her mother
Step2: Sort through the plot of the story
Conflict1: The girl left her shopping bag on the bench and boarded the riverboat.
Solution1: Gabriel and I rode to Mâcon to return the bag to the girl.
Conflict2: Flat tire.
Solution2: Gabriel fixed it.
Step3: Read for clues for the new plot of the continuation writing
Use hidden clues to create logical and reasonable details for the continuation.
Step4: Design plots for each paragraph
Design the first and last sentence for Para1 and Para2, combining characters and reasonable plot.
Step 5: Appreciate possible version.
Para1: “ We have to find a way to return it.” I replied. Staring at the colorful shopping bag, Gabriel nodded in agreement. After exchanging our thoughts, We made a resolution to ride as fast as we could to Mâcon and reach the dock before the riverboat arrived. With renewed energy from bread and Brie, we packed up, hopped on to our bicycles and hit the road. The gentle breeze caressing our face, Gabriel and I cycled along the river bank like flying arrows. Meanwhile, we kept our eyes on the riverboat Voyageur for fear that it would vanish from the river. Time fleeting, we burst into cheers as we were approaching our destination--- Mâcon. Undoubtedly, the bag would go back to its owner as we expected, which infused our hearts with delight and anticipation (122)
Para2: Then it happened: pffft! Flat tire! My heart sank as my eyes fell on the flat tire. Never in my wildest dream had I imagined such an unexpected disaster happened midway. As an experienced cyclist, Gabriel, took out some tools and set out to fix it right away. I stood by, with my eyes fixed on the fast-moving riverboat, which was almost out of sight. No sooner had Gabriel exclaimed “Bingo!” than we embarked on the rest journey. With butterflies in stomach, we pedaled even harder, legs burning. Our painstaking efforts paid off ! We made it to Mâcon . The moment the riverboat called at the dock, we rushed over and returned the bag to the girl. The satisfaction of seeing a bright smile blossoming across her face was just incomparable.(126)
结尾2:An enormous wave of surprise overwhelmed her as she took the shopping bag from our hands. Showered with numerous thanks from the mother and the girl, we said goodbye and continued our journey.
P.S. 人与社会主题的续写真题:通常会和人与自我主题相糅合,在与他人的相处中,个人也会有感悟有改变有成长
1. 2024年6月新高考I卷 《维也纳之约》:我与陌生人出租车司机之间的诚信誓约,彰显人性之美;
2. 2023年6月新高考《作文比赛获奖》:我在老师的鼓励下参加作文比赛并获奖,老师是我的引路人,讲述了师生情且体现个人成长;
3. 2022年6月浙江省高考真题《我的社区服务》:我为了获得足够的社区服务量,去社区为街头流浪汉提供分饭菜的社区服务。与陌生人流浪汉亲密接触,消除偏见,由此对人类社会的未来产生美好的设想并促进我个人的成长;
4. 2022年1月浙江省高考真题《学渣逆袭》:学渣我被老师和学霸组队完成一个课题,在与学霸相处的过程中,我学到了很多。体现同学情,学到了学霸身上的可贵品质,同时学渣我有了巨大改变并成长为更好的人。
5. 2021年6月新高考I卷真题《母亲节的惊喜》:双胞胎在爸爸的指导与帮助下为母亲做早饭,体现了暖暖的家庭亲情。
7. 2017年11月浙江省高考真题《开车和健忘妈妈旅行》:一家人与爱心满满但健忘的妈妈开车去看望grandparents 途中发生的趣事,体现欢乐的家庭亲情。
1. 诚信美德
2. 父母的爱、理解与支持
3. 老师的无私帮助和鼓励
4.陌生人的无私帮助、奉献与支持 ( 本文属于该类型)
5. 同学之间的互帮互助,共同成长
6. 邻里之间的患难见真情