美联储降息专题 ③ | 汇率波动与中国制造业的适应策略

百科   2024-11-09 10:51   广东  

文┃曾俊雄 马蕊蕊




The effectiveness of the Federal Reserve’s rate cuts in spurring the U.S. economic recovery remains uncertain. However, for China’s export-oriented manufacturing sector, this decision has already had significant impacts.


According to Du Xijiang, General Manager of the Strategic Planning Department at the Export-Import Bank of China, China’s export and import companies face three primary risks: exchange rate risk from currency fluctuations, market risk from demand and pricing changes, and country or regional risks due to varying impacts across nations and regions.


In a global economic environment rife with uncertainties, finding ways to adapt to monetary policy adjustments has become an essential issue for every outward-facing Chinese enterprise.



Chinese Exporters Face Dual Pressure: 

Profit Compression and Declining Demand


The depreciation of the U.S. dollar, resulting in a stronger Chinese yuan, poses one of the most direct challenges for Chinese manufacturing exporters. Yuan appreciation means Chinese products are effectively more expensive on the international market, which weakens their competitiveness. Additionally, since many export companies settle in U.S. dollars, the stronger yuan reduces their income when converted back to RMB, directly impacting profitability.


Zhang Yun, a Sales Manager in the refrigeration equipment industry in Guangdong, experiences these pressures firsthand. His company primarily exports refrigerators and supermarket cooling cabinets to North American and European markets. The recent exchange rate fluctuations following the Fed’s rate cut have put tremendous pressure on revenue. He notes, “Most of our contracts are settled in U.S. dollars. When the yuan appreciates, the amount we receive in yuan decreases. For long-term contracts with locked-in prices, profit margins shrink significantly.”


USD to CNY Exchange Rate Trend in 2024

(Image Source: MSN)


The impact of the Fed’s rate cut on Chinese manufacturing exporters is not limited to Sino-U.S. trade alone. Through exchange rate fluctuations and the ripple effect in capital markets, it affects China’s trade relationships with multiple global markets. Wan Tao, a sales representative at a lighting manufacturing company in Foshan, mentions that while their primary markets are in Southeast Asia and the Middle East, the dollar’s depreciation has increased some clients’ purchasing costs, dampening demand. “Currencies in many Southeast Asian countries are pegged to the U.S. dollar, so when the dollar depreciates, these countries’ currencies also devalue, directly reducing local customers’ purchasing power,” he explains.



Coping with Exchange Rate Fluctuations:

Hedging, Product Upgrades, 

and Increasing Imports


In response to exchange rate fluctuations, some companies have taken steps to mitigate risk. Forward contracts are a common financial tool for this purpose. Lin Yi, who works at a smart locker manufacturing company primarily exporting to Vietnam, explains that his company usually locks in exchange rates with banks to ensure relatively stable profits on transactions. “Our smart locker exports involve long order cycles, especially for large orders. We must hedge against exchange rate fluctuations to avoid the uncertainty that can arise during settlement.”


Apart from using financial instruments to offset exchange rate risk, some companies are adjusting their export product portfolios to reduce dependency on low-value-added products, thereby enhancing profit margins. He Bin, who works in the outdoor products sector in Zhongshan, shares that his company has shifted its focus to high-value-added products to better navigate international market uncertainties. He states, “We used to compete on low prices, but now, with greater external market volatility, the company is reducing its export share of low-priced products and focusing on high-value-added items like car refrigerators to boost competitiveness.”

何斌所在公司的出售的户外产品 (图源受访者)

Outdoor products sold by He Bin’s company 

(Image Source: Interviewee)


Despite the pressures from exchange rate volatility and rising costs following the Fed’s rate cuts, some companies also see opportunities in the situation. While the yuan appreciates, the dollar’s depreciation lowers the cost of imported goods, benefiting companies that rely on imported raw materials and equipment. Zhang Yun mentions, “Some high-end components, like advanced compressors used in refrigeration equipment, are imported. The dollar’s depreciation reduces the cost of these imports, which partially eases production cost pressures.”

美国波士顿联邦储备银行行长苏珊·柯林斯(Susan Collins)10月8日波士顿的演讲中提及,美联储“或需进一步调整政策方向”,并预测年内或还将实施两次各25个基点的降息。但她亦重申,美联储的决策路径非一成不变,将紧密依托经济数据灵活应变。

In an October 8 speech in Boston, Susan Collins, President of the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston, suggested the Fed “may need to make further policy adjustments” and projected two additional rate cuts of 25 basis points each within the year. However, she also emphasized the Fed’s flexibility, noting that its policy path is “not set in stone” and will be responsive to economic data.


The Federal Reserve’s monetary policy adjustments reflect the economic challenges in the U.S. and indicate potential instability in global markets. For Chinese manufacturing exporters, maintaining competitiveness amid these structural shifts in the global economy will be a crucial challenge in the coming years.




[1] 央视新闻《美联储降息50个基点!这次降息意味着什么?会带来哪些影响?》


[2] 新华财经《美地方联储官员:美联储需进一步降息以保护美国经济》



指导老师 | 毛万熙

编辑 | 原牧楠

排版 | 李伊彤

初审 | 毛万熙

复审 | 钟智锦

 终审 | 郑军庆 
