The British Governess at the Siamese Court

文摘   2024-10-08 00:00   中国香港  



The British Governess at the Siamese Court

Anna Harriette Lenowens



MARCH 15, 1862. — On board the small Siamese steamer Chow Phya, in the Gulf of Siam.

I rose before the sun, and ran on deck to catch an early glimpse of the strange land we were nearing; and as I peered eagerly, not through mist and haze, but straight into the clear, bright, many-tinted ether, there came the first faint, tremulous blush of dawn, behind her rosy veil; and presently the welcome face shines boldly out, glad, glorious, beautiful, and aureoled with flaming hues of orange, fringed with amber and gold, wherefrom flossy webs of color float wide through the sky, paling as they go. A vision of comfort and gladness, that tropical March morning, genial as a July dawn in my own less ardent clime; but the memory of two round, tender arms, and two little dimpled hands, that so lately had made themselves loving fetters round my neck, in the vain hope of holding mamma fast, blinded my outlook; and as, with a nervous tremor and a rude jerk, we came to anchor there, so with a shock and a tremor I came to my hard realities.

The Majestic Chao Phya River: A Tranquil Journey through Bangkok’s Heart & scenic landscape

1862 年 3 月 15 日 - 在暹罗湾的暹罗小汽船 Chow Phya 号上。


The captain told us we must wait for the afternoon tide to carry us over the bar. I lingered on deck, as long as I could dodge the fiery spears that flashed through our tattered awning, and bear the bustle and the boisterous jests of some circus people, our fellow - passengers, who came by express invitation of the king to astonish and amuse the royal household and the court.


Scarcely less intelligent, and certainly more entertaining, than these were the dogs of our company  brutes of diverse temperament, experience, and behaviour. There were the captain's two, Trumpet and Jip, who, by virtue of their reflected rank and authority, held places of privilege and pickings under the table, and were jealous and overbearing as became a captain's favorites, snubbing and bullying their more accomplished and versatile guests, the circus dogs, with skipper-like growls and snarls and snaps. And there was our own true Bessy, — a Newfoundland, great and good, — discreet, reposeful, dignified, fastidious, not to be cajoled into confidences and familiarities with strange dogs, whether official or professional. Very human was her gentle countenance, and very loyal, I doubt not, her sense of responsibility, as she followed anxiously my boy and me, interpreting with her heart the thoughts she read in our faces, and responding with her sympathetic eyes.

比它们更聪明,当然也更有趣的是陪着我们的狗,这些畜生的性情、经验和行为各不相同。船长的两只狗--“喇叭 ”和 “吉普”,由于它们的地位和权威,在餐桌下享有特权和挑选的权利,它们嫉妒心强,盛气凌人,就像船长的宠儿一样,用船长式的咆哮和咆哮声,冷落和欺负它们那些更有本事、更多才多艺的客人--马戏团的狗。还有我们自己的真正的贝西--一只纽芬兰犬,体型庞大却很乖--谨慎、安详、高贵、严谨,不会被人怂恿与陌生的狗倾诉秘密和熟悉关系,无论是官方的还是职业的。她温柔的面容非常人性化,她的责任感也非常忠诚,我毫不怀疑。她焦急地跟着我和我的孩子,用心解读她从我们脸上读到的想法,并用同情的目光回应我们。

In the afternoon, when we dined on deck, the land was plainly visible; and now, as with a favoring tide we glided toward the beautiful Meinam ("Mother of Waters"), the air grew brighter, and the picture lived and moved; trees grew on the banks, more and more verdure, monkeys swung from bough to bough, birds flashed and piped among the thickets.


Though the reddish-brown water over the "banks" is very shallow at low tide, craft of moderate burden, with the aid of a pilot, cast anchor commonly in the very heart of the capital, in from ten to twelve fathoms of water.

虽然 “两岸 ”红褐色的海水在退潮时很浅,但在领航员的帮助下,中等重量的船只通常都能在首都的中心地带抛锚,水深在 10 到 12 英尺之间。

The world has few rivers so deep, commodious, and safe as the Meinam; and when we arrived the authorities were contemplating the erection of beacons on the bar, as well as a lighthouse for the benefit of vessels entering the port of Bangkok. The stream is rich in fish of excellent quality and flavour, such as is found in most of the great rivers of Asia; and is especially noted for its platoo, a kind of sardine, so abundant and cheap that it forms a common seasoning to the labourer’s bowl of rice. The Siamese are expert in modes of drying and salting fish of all kinds, and large quantities are exported annually to Java, Sumatra, Malacca, and China.


Sumuttra P'hra-kan

In half an hour from the time when the twin banks of the river, in their raiment of bright green, seemed to open their beautiful arms to receive us, we came to anchor opposite the mean, shabby, irregular town of Paknam, or Sumuttra P'hra-kan ("Ocean Affairs"). Here the captain went ashore to report himself to the Governor, and the officials of the custom-house, and the mail-boat came out to us. My boy became impatient for couay (cake); Moonshee, my Persian teacher, and Beebe, my gay Hindostanee nurse, expressed their disappointment and disgust, Moonshee being absurdly dramatic in his wrath, as, fairly shaking his fist at the town, he demanded, "What is this?"

半小时后,我们停泊在了北榄(Paknam)或称 “海事”(Sumuttra P'hra - kan)这个鄙陋、寒酸、不规则的小镇对面。船长上岸向总督报告,海关和邮船的官员也出来迎接我们。我的孩子不耐烦地要吃蛋糕;我的波斯老师穆恩希和乐呵呵的印度斯坦人护士比比表示失望和厌恶,穆恩希的愤怒荒唐而戏剧化,他对着小镇挥舞着拳头,问道:"这是什么?

Near this place are two islands. The one on the right is fortified, yet withal so green and pretty, and seemingly so innocent of bellicose designs, that one may fancy Nature has taken peculiar pains to heal and hide the disfigurements grim Art has made in her beauty. On the other, which at first I took for a floating shrine of white marble, is perhaps the most unique and graceful object of architecture in Siam; shining like a jewel on the broad bosom of the river, a temple all of purest white, its lofty spire, fantastic and gilded, flashing back the glory of the sun, and duplicated in shifting, quivering shadows in the limpid waters below. Add to these the fitful ripple of the coquettish breeze, the burnished blazonry of the surrounding vegetation, the budding charms of spring joined to the sensuous opulence of autumn, and you have a scene of lovely glamour it were but vain impertinence to describe. Earth seemed to have gathered for her adorning here elements more intellectual, poetic, and inspiring than she commonly displays to pagan eyes.

