
科技   2023-09-23 23:07   湖北  






Per Tybirk

Niels Morten Sloth

Karoline Blaabjerg


DANISH NUTRIENT STANDARDS 2023, 33rd Edition - Part 1

Main conclusion
Tryptophan standards for pigs up to 15 kg are raised from 21% to 23% of lysine. Lysine standards for growers and finishers are raised by 0.2 g/FUgp, and standards for digestible protein and valine are lowered. Iodine standards are raised for all pigs.
Revisions in 33rd edition

The tryptophan:lysine ratio is raised from 21 to 23% for weaned pigs up to 15 kg following results of a recent trial. The remaining standards for amino acids and protein are unchanged.
The valine:lysine ratio is lowered from 67 to 64% for growers and finishers and amino acid:protein recommendations are raised corresponding to an increase of 0.2 g digestible lysine and a reduction of 2 g digestible crude protein per FUgp – though only in diets with lysine standards below 9.5 g/FUgp. This is based on results of a recent trial and is the standard that generates the optimum economy at the current protein and amino acid prices and leads to a slight reduction in ammonia emissions.
The standards for feed for pigs for the UK market and other specialised productions no longer apply as average lean meat percentage is now so high that with the current payment models there is no benefit in adding extra protein.
The iodine standards are raised from 0.2 mg/FUgp for all pigs to 0.3 mg/FUgp for weaned pigs and finishers and to 0.5 mg/FUsow for gestating sows and to 1.0 mg/FUsow for lactating sows. The extra iodine is a cheap insurance and with the new recommendations iodine supply will be sufficient in feed containing up 10% rapeseed products. It is recommended to increase iodine by 50% in feed containing more than 10% rapeseed products.

The Danish feed evaluation system

The Danish feed evaluation system is based on the physiological energy value of nutrients and on the standardised digestibility of these nutrients. In 2002, the old feed unit was replaced by two new feed units: FUgp (feed units for weaned pigs, growers and finishers) and FUsow (feed units for sows).
Energy evaluation in Denmark is based on:

1. 水、灰分、粗蛋白和粗脂肪的化学分析
Chemical analyses of water, ash, crude protein and crude fat

2. 体外消化率(回肠和粪便)
In vitro digestibility at ileal level and faecal level

3. 基于潜在生理值的营养物质能量值
Energy values of nutrients based on "potential physiological values".
The protein evaluation system is based on the standardised ileal digestibility of each amino acid.

All recommendations are expressed per Danish Feed Unit. In order to calculate g per kg or per MJ in other evaluation systems, the below table can be used.


Energy content per kg diet of a conventional complete diet:

Amino acids, protein and macro minerals – weaned pigs

The standards for amino acids, protein and macro minerals for weaned pigs are shown in table 1a and 1b. The amino acid standards do not include a safety margin as they are determined as the economic optimum level in diets containing conventional ingredients under normal price relations. Consequently, it is possible to improve productivity slightly by increasing amino acids and protein, but this will not be profitable as the increase in price exceeds productivity improvements. Furthermore, a protein increase will increase the risk of diarrhoea outbreaks.
Nutrient standards for weaned pigs are now recommended according to feed conversion, ie. elevated recommendations in diets for a good FCR. When periodic outbreaks of diarrhoea occur, it is recommended to switch to the standards in table 1b (protective). However, this will affect productivity negatively and should only be applied in the period when diarrhoea outbreaks peak. A protein level below the recommended minimum relative to a given lysine level may lead to a deficiency in non-essential amino acids.
Calcium and phosphorus levels are also adjusted to FCR, and the remaining mineral standards are for now not adjusted to FCR. In feed for very small pigs, calcium content is lower as a high calcium concentration from calcium carbonate increases the risk of diarrhoea, and consequently calcium levels are a compromise between the risk of diarrhoea and maximum bone mineralization.
Table 1. Nutrient standards – weaned pigs.

* Increase by 0.2 g per feed unit if 0-100% phytase.
Table 1b. Nutrient standards – weaned pigs

* Increase by 0.2 g per feed unit if 0-100% phytase.


Amino acids, protein and macro minerals – growers

氨基酸、蛋白和常量元素的标准如表2所示。推荐的体重区间取决于整个生长育肥期从30公斤到115公斤的饲料效率。如30-115kg期间料重比为2.7 FUgp/kg,则30-60kg期间,每饲料单位的日粮应含8.9g可消化赖氨酸,其他营养物质的含量也应与‘8.9g赖氨酸一栏中的值一致。
The standards for amino acids, protein and macro minerals for growers are shown in table 2. The recommended weight intervals depend on the feed conversion in the entire finisher period 30-115 kg. If, in the 30-115 kg period, the pigs have a feed conversion of, for instance, 2.7 FUgp/kg gain, the diet used in the 30-60 kg period should contain 8.9g digestible lysine per FUgp and include all nutrients listed in the column ‘8.9 g lysine’.
As is the case for weaned pigs, the recommendations for growers aim at maximising protein utilization at the lowest protein level possible to reduce the risk of diarrhoea outbreaks. To be able to comply with all recommendations at minimum protein with standard ingredients, it is necessary to add not only lysine, methionine and threonine, but also tryptophan and valine to the diets including 9.2-10.2g digestible lysine per FUgp. If this is not possible, protein levels must be increased slightly.



Table 2. Nutrient standards – growers.


* Increase by 0.2 g per feed unit if 0-100% phytase. 



Amino acids, protein and macro minerals – finishers

The standards for amino acids, protein and macro minerals for finishers are shown in table 3. The recommended weight intervals depend on the feed conversion in the entire finisher period 30-115 kg.
氨基酸的标准是特定猪群在给定的饲料效率潜力下的经济最佳水平。在料重比2.6-2.75 FUgp/kg时,建议标准为每饲料单位的饲料含8.2g的可消化赖氨酸,其他营养物质的含量也应与‘8.2g赖氨酸一栏中的值一致。如果猪场决定把可消化赖氨酸的含量增加到8.6g其生产水平将略微有所提高,但饲料成本的增加将略高于提高的生产水平带来的价值。另一方面,如果可消化赖氨酸的含量降低到7.9g,损失的生产水平的价值将大于降低饲料成本带来的收益。可消化蛋白的最低标准通常会确保只需要添加赖氨酸、蛋氨酸、苏氨酸和色氨酸——尽管葵花籽粕含量低于5%的日粮中可以不添加色氨酸。如果缬氨酸和色氨酸都添加,则有可能在蛋白含量较低的情况下满足所有营养物质的标准含量,但不推荐生产者这么做,因为这并不会降低饲料成本,但低蛋白含量将导致瘦肉率降低。钙和可消化磷的标准足以确保最大生产水平和良好的骨矿化。
The amino acid standards are the economic optimum level at a given potential for feed conversion in a specific herd. At a feed conversion of 2.6-2.75 FUgp per kg gain, the standard recommends 8.2 g digestible lysine per FUgp – and all nutrients in the column ‘8.2 g digestible lysine’. If this pig producer decides to raise the content of digestible lysine to 8.6 g, productivity will increase marginally, but feed costs will increase slightly beyond the value of the improved productivity. If, on the other hand, the content of digestible lysine is lowered to 7.9 g, the value of lost productivity will exceed the benefit of the lower feed costs. The minimum standards for digestible protein will normally ensure that only lysine, methionine, threonine and tryptophan need to be added – though tryptophan can be left out in diets containing less than 5% sunflower meal. If both tryptophan and valine are added, it will be possible to comply with all standards at a lower protein level, but pig producers are not recommended to do so, as it will not lower the feed costs and as low protein levels lead to a drop in lean meat percentage. The standards for calcium and digestible phosphorus are sufficient to ensure maximum productivity and a good bone mineralization.
The standards for digestible phosphorus constitute the recommended content taking into account productivity, environment and economy. In areas subject to a limit of 30 kg P/hectare, dig. phosphorus may be lowered by 0.1 g/feed unit to reduce ‘harmony requirements’.



Table 3. Nutrient standards - finishers.


To be continued…

