法比奥·费尔南德斯是一位巴西作家,目前常居圣保罗。他出版了多部作品,包括葡萄牙语长篇小说《瘟疫时代》《回到苏联》和《爱会将我们分开》,以及英语长中篇小说《压力之下》和短篇小说集《爱:一种考古学》。作为一名译者,他将多部科幻小说翻译成巴西葡萄牙语,包括《神经漫游者》和《发条橙》。他的短篇小说曾在巴西、葡萄牙、罗马尼亚、英国、新西兰和美国线上发表,并收录在安和杰夫·范德米尔的《蒸汽朋克II:蒸汽朋克重启》《世界科幻小说之巅 第二册》《为奇普而作的故事》中。他与吉布里勒·阿亚德合编了选集《我们看到一个不同的前沿》,与弗朗西斯科·沃尔索合编了选集《太阳朋克——我如何学会热爱未来》。他是克拉里昂号角写作班2013届毕业生,The Fix(美国科幻奇幻文学杂志)、SF Signal(美国科幻奇幻文学网站)、Tor.com(美国科幻奇幻在线出版平台)的前评论员,以及《克拉克世界》(美国科幻奇幻文学杂志)的审稿人。法比奥可以被视作一个“朋克”作家,他的职业生涯中主要写作赛博朋克、蒸汽朋克和太阳朋克故事。在学术方面,他目前在圣保罗天主教大学的新闻学课程中教授科幻小说,研究金·斯坦利·罗宾逊作品中的物流乌托邦概念。
One thing I can say about my life is that most good things that happen to me are unexpected. I would never, even in my wildest dreams, imagine that one day I would be going to China. And not as a tourist, but as an instructor to such a bold initiative such as the Future Fiction Workshop.
I feel honored to be invited to teach science fiction to you. It’s truly something science-fictional to come from the Global South to your amazing country, speaking English (though I’ve been studying Mandarin for a few months, I won’t be able to speak to you in your language, and I apologize for that) and teaching about Spanish and Portuguese-speaking authors, with the help of interpreters who will translate my words to you. For that, I am grateful.
For me, science fiction is the most important tool to understand the world. I say that not only as a teacher, but also as a writer, a translator, and an academic researcher. I’ve been reading science fiction for most of my life, and it’s always rewarding. Science fiction has taught me many things, about science but also about humanity. I have some scientific background from my middle-grade years (I studied at a polytechnical school in the 1980s) but in the end I decided to study Communication (specializing in Journalism) and also Theater. Human factor: that’s what matters to me.
And science fiction has plenty to offer in that respect. From Mary Shelley to Cixin Liu (and Asimov, Clarke, LeGuin, Robinson and many, many others), the genre is alive and kicking with human vitality. Space travel, time travel, Ais, dystopias: none of those could work without people inhabiting them. After all, we are human, and we all want a better future. Science and technology can help us with that – as long as they are mediated by the human heart. And science fiction is the key.
I can’t wait to meet you so we can talk more about all of this. See you soon.