导师创作谈 | 拉维·提达尔:科幻小说是一种通用语言 | 国际大师班特别报道

百科   2024-06-07 18:46   重庆  



拉维·提达尔(Lavie Tidhar),伦敦美国国际大学的荣誉访问教授和驻校作家,曾是《华盛顿邮报》专栏作家。他的作品被翻译成多种语言。他的短篇小说曾被提名西奥多·斯特金奖、尤吉奖和英国犯罪作家协会匕首奖,并两次入围雨果奖长名单,他凭借中篇小说《戈尔和大腹便便的神》赢得了英国奇幻奖。《中央星站》获坎贝尔奖、诺伊康奖和星辰奖。《一个男人在做梦》获杰伍德奖。《奥萨马》获世界奇幻奖。他的作品集包括《希伯来朋克》《黑神之吻》《日本盛开的金星》以及即将出版的《最后一枪无人听见》和《镜子里的东西可能比看起来更奇怪》。

Dear students,

I am looking forward to meeting you and learning from you in June! The future is always just around the corner, but it remains unwritten until we shape it into being. Science fiction has always felt to me to be a universal language, creating a bridge between people from different nations all around the world. It allows us to think of the big questions, to see our common humanity and to imagine better futures. It requires a child’s sense of wonder, to see the world as strange and new and mysterious each time, and I can’t wait to share this precious time with you. See you soon!

Lavie Tidhar’s work encompasses literary fiction (Maror, Adama and the forthcoming Six Lives), cross-genre classics such as Jerwood Prize winner A Man Lies Dreaming (2014) and World Fantasy Award winner Osama (2011) and genre works like the Campbell, Neukom and Xingyun winner Central Station (2016). He has also written comics (Adler, 2020), children’s books such as Candy (2018) and the forthcoming The Children’s Book of the Future (2024), and created the animated movie Loontown (2023) and webseries Mars Machines (2024). He is a former columnist for the Washington Post and a current honorary Visiting Professor and Writer in Residence at the American International University in London. His work has been translated into multiple languages.

Lavie grew up on a socialist commune in the north of Israel, and has since lived in South Africa, Vanuatu and Laos. He has been based in London, UK, on and off for the past twenty years. In 2000 he visited China for the first time, where he attended the Chengdu writers conference and met many of the Chinese writers working at that time. The experience influenced his determination to edit anthologies dedicated to international speculative fiction, the first of which – The Apex Book of World SF – came out in 2009, and included the first two translations of Chinese SF stories into English in the 21st century, by Yang Ping and Han Song. He has since edited five volumes of The Apex Book of World SF (2009-2018) and three large hardcover volumes of The Best of World SF (2020-2023).

While he is a prolific novelist in a number of genres, Lavie’s first passion is short fiction, and he has published nearly 200 short stories professionally, in magazines including Asimov’s, Analog, The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction, Clarkesworld, Apex, Uncanny, Tordotcom, Lightspeed, Nightmare and in numerous anthologies, including many Year’s Best selections. His short fiction was nominated for the Theodore Sturgeon Award, the Eugie Award and the Crime Writers Association Dagger Award and longlisted twice for the Hugo Award, and he won the British Fantasy Award for his novella Gorel and the Pot-Bellied God. His collections include HebrewPunk (2007), Black Gods Kiss (2015), Venus in Bloom (Japan, 2019) and the forthcoming No One Hears The Last Shot (2024) and Things in the Mirror May Be Weirder Than They Appear (2025).

Lavie was last in China in 2019, where he got to launch the Chinese edition of Central Station in Beijing and Shenzhen. He is looking forward to return this year to meet the exciting new writers of the Future Fiction workshop, and reconnect with old friends such as Wu Yan and Yang Ping!




拉维·提达尔的作品包括文学小说(Maror, Adama和即将出版的Six Lives),跨类型经典作品,如杰伍德奖得奖作品A Man Lies Dreaming (2014年)和世界奇幻奖得奖作品Osama (2011年),以及坎贝尔、纽康姆和星云奖得奖作品Central Station (2016年)等。他还创作了漫画(Adler,2020年)、儿童读物 Candy (2018年)和即将出版的The Children’s Book of the Future (2024年),并创作了动画电影Loontown (2023年)和网络连续剧 Mars Machines(2024年)。他曾是《华盛顿邮报》的专栏作家,现任伦敦美国国际大学荣誉客座教授和驻校作家。他的作品已被翻译成多种语言。

拉维在以色列北部的一个社会主义公社长大,后来在南非、瓦努阿图和老挝生活过。在过去的二十年里,他搬来搬去,但总的来说长居于英国伦敦。2000年,他第一次访问中国,参加了成都作家大会,并结识了当时许多的中国作家。这段经历使他决定编辑国际推想小说选集。第一部选集是The Apex Book of World SF,于2009年出版,其中包括杨平和韩松在21世纪首次将中国科幻小说翻译成英文的作品。此后,他编辑了五卷The Apex Book of World SF (2009-2018)和三本精装The Best of World SF(2020-2023)。

虽然他涉猎多种体裁,作品频出,但拉维的最爱是短篇小说。他已经在多个杂志(包括Asimov’sAnalogThe Magazine of Fantasy and Science FictionClarkesworldApexUncannyTordotcomLightspeedNightmare)上发表了近200篇短篇小说,并在许多选集上也发表了,其中包括许多年度最佳选集。他的短篇小说被提名为西奥多·斯特金奖、尤吉奖和犯罪作家协会匕首奖,并两次入围雨果奖,他的中篇小说 Gorel and the Pot-Bellied God获得了英国奇幻奖。他的作品包括HebrewPunk(2007年)、 Black Gods Kiss(2015年)、Venus in Bloom(日本,2019年),以及即将上映的No One Hears The Last Shot(2024年)和Things in the Mirror May Be Weirder Than They Appear(2025年)。

拉维上次来中国是在2019年,他在北京和深圳推出了中文版的Central Station(《中央星站》)。他期待着今年再来,与未来小说工作坊的新作家们见面,并与吴岩、杨平等老朋友叙旧!










