596 雅思写作 10-11月机考预测 大作文:evolving job market 纸考通用

文摘   教育   2024-10-25 07:04   重庆  

Discuss both views and give your own opinion.

这个题目和20 高老师top50-20 大作文最高频50题范文合集 工作:满意度vs稳定性有点像,都聚焦工作稳定性。
但是本题要难一点,主要是part 2第二问不好写。可以提前准备一下。两个问题,一问一段即可。示例的段落在文末。
除了工作稳定性,还有个高频题则是反着来——为什么年轻人频繁换工作18 高老师top50-18 大作文最高频50题范文合集 工作:年轻人换工作 超高频 two-part题型结构。(这个题目特别高频,境外也考得多,有英国和澳洲的同学留言说自己也遇到过。)
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part 1 causesOne of the primary drivers of this change is technological progress. Automation and artificial intelligence (AI) have redefined the nature of many jobs, making some roles obsolete while creating new opportunities in areas such as tech development and data analysis. This has resulted in a job market that increasingly demands new skills. Furthermore, the global economy has become interconnected, causing businesses to outsource or relocate operations, leading to changes in job availability and working conditions. Additionally, shifts in societal values, such as the pursuit of work-life balance, have led many to seek freelance or remote work, moving away from the traditional model of long-term employment with a single company.

part 2 suggestions: To prepare for the evolving job market, individuals should focus on continuous skill development. This means not only acquiring technical skills but also developing adaptability and creativity, as these qualities are essential in navigating an unpredictable work environment. Furthermore, lifelong learning should become a core part of career planning, allowing workers to stay relevant and competitive in their respective fields. Finally, individuals should consider diversifying their skills to open up multiple career options, ensuring resilience in the face of economic changes.

感受写作的魅力。Take it essay~