
百科   健康医疗   2024-12-22 22:27   上海  

这是 达医晓护 的第 5251 篇文章









  • 高热:体温可高达40℃以上,甚至达到42℃。

  • 大汗:孩子会出现大量出汗,汗液浸湿衣服和被子。

  • 呼吸心跳增快

  • 烦躁和激惹

  • 脱水:由于大量出汗,孩子会出现口唇干燥、尿量减少,哭时无泪等脱水症状。

  • 抽搐:高热和缺氧可能导致孩子出现抽搐症状。

  • 昏迷:病情严重时,孩子可能会陷入昏迷状态,脑水肿,可能造成脑损伤。

























Infant Muggy Syndrome: The Health Risks of the Overheating


Babies are considered little angels given to families by God, and their every smile and step are guaranteed to bring joy to the family. With the temperature gradually fall into winter, parents often tempting to wrap up babies warmly in lots of clothes and blankets during the cold months to keep their children warm. However, overheating a baby can lead to a serious problem called “Infant Muggy Syndrome (IMS)”. Today, let's talk about this invisible health hazard.


What is IMS?

As the name suggests, IMS is a serious condition that affects overdressed or over-covered babies, which causes the lack of oxygen, high fever, excessive sweating, dehydration, convulsions, coma, and even respiratory and circulatory failure. It is most common in infants, especially newborns. Babies do not have a fully developed internal thermometer, making it more difficult for them to regulate their body temperature. This leaves them vulnerable to overheating, which can lead to serious health complications if overheating.  


What causes IMS?

IMS is caused by overheating. Parents often have great concerns about their precious little one’s catching colds from cold weather. They wear babies too much clothing, cover heavy blankets, and even clasped babies in the arms. However, this will restrict baby's movement and trap excess heat from dissipating and normal breathing, leading to an increase in their already warm temperatures and lack of oxygen, and eventually result in IMS.


What are the symptoms of IMS?

There are various signs and symptoms that indicate a baby may be overheating. Common symptoms include:

l High body temperature: The body temperature may be as high as 40°C or more, even up to 42°C.

l Excessive sweating: The baby may experience heavy sweating that soaks through clothes and blankets.

l Rapid breathing and heart rate

l Irritability and fussiness

l Dehydration: Overheating can also lead to dehydration due to excessive that presented as dry mouth, less urine, and no tears when crying.

l Seizures: High fever and lack of oxygen may cause child convulsions.

l Coma: In extreme cases, IMS may lead to a coma and cause the brain to swell, possibly resulting in brain damage.

In addition, IMS may also cause other severe symptoms such as difficulty in breathing, blue discolouration of the skin and cold, clammy skin. Parents should take their child to an emergency department immediately once these symptoms appear.


How is IMS diagnosed?

IMS can be diagnosed through a child’s medical history, clinical presentation and physical examination. Doctors will ask parents whether the child is overheating, evaluate the symptoms of high fever, excessive sweating, dehydration, etc. Physical examinations and laboratory tests will be conducted accordingly. Doctors can confirm whether the child has IMS through a comprehensive assessment.


How is IMS treated?

The principles of IMS treatment are rapid cooling, hypoxia management, adjustment of fluid and electrolyte imbalance, and symptomatic treatment. Treatment measures include:

1、Rapid cooling: transfer the child to a well-ventilated environment, undress to dissipate heat, wipe the body with a wet towel, and give medication to lower the temperature if necessary.

2、Correcting hypoxemia: maintain a patent airway, provide oxygen, apply mechanical ventilation if necessary.

3、Correcting dehydration and metabolic derangements: give fluid to therapy to correct dehydration, metabolic acidosis and other electrolyte imbalances.

4、Symptomatic treatment: apply interventions for seizures, coma and other symptoms.

It is recommended that parents follow the doctor’s suggestions, closely monitor the child’s conditions, and communicate with the doctor promptly.


How to prevent IMS?

The key to preventing IMS is to properly dress your baby and avoid overheating. Parents can choose appropriate warming measures according to the child's age, physical condition, weather, and temperature of the surrounding environment. Here are some suggestions to prevent IMS:

l Avoid over-dress or over-cover your child. You can dress baby in layers which allows you to easily adjust the attire based on temperature.

l Avoid cradle babies tightly in the arm or wrap up them warmly when sleep. Make sure there is enough space allowing them to move and breathe freely o

l Improve air quality indoors. Ensure proper ventilation with fresh and clean outdoor air and avoid indoor enclosed spaces

l Routine temperature checks. Regularly check your baby's temperature and monitor his/her physical condition to reassure yourself that baby is comfortable. If you are concerned about your baby’s temperature, excessive sweating or dehydration or behavior, do not hesitate to reach out to medical help.

In addition, parents will need to know the information about IMS and increase the awareness of prevention.  It is crucial for parents and caregivers to monitor and identfy the signs of the IMS and take immediate actions if necessary.



IMS is a serious condition affecting infant and young children. With proper knowledge and preventive measures, you can ensure that your precious little one stays safe and comfortable in winter and stay away from IMS. Let's work together to create a safe and comfortable environment and heathier future for children.







