保护我们的世界遗产 | 第四届“我眼中的未来世界”少儿绘画征集活动持续进行中

文摘   其他   2022-08-17 17:03   法国  

世界文化和自然遗产是人类文明发展和自然演进的鲜活体现,也是促进不同文明交流互鉴的重要载体。2022年是联合国教科文组织《世界遗产公约》诞生50周年。《信使》杂志作为联合国教科文组织的旗舰杂志,长期致力于关注并保护我们的世界遗产。为了将保护世界遗产的理想延续,《信使》杂志现举办第四期 "我眼中的未来——保护我们的文化遗产"少儿绘画征集活动。





  • 请在微信平台搜索并关注公众号“联合国教科文信使”,将绘画作品以扫描版或照片的形式发至 “联合国教科文信使” 微信公众号。

  • 注明作品名称、作者姓名、年龄及学校所在地。文件大小在1M以内。 

  • 或发送至邮箱 wechat.unescocourier@gmail.com




本活动为公益性质,“联合国教科文信使” 微信公众号为本次活动的唯一组织方和解释方,对活动解释如下:

  • 投稿人必须就独立完成的原创作品投稿,并不得侵犯他人著作权;

  • 投稿即为同意授权平台免费使用其投稿作品;

  • 平台对第三方转载作品行为等侵犯作者著作权的行为不承担任何责任;

  • 平台已经公布的平台作品,任何第三方不得转载或用于商业目的,否则构成对作者著作权的侵犯,作者可直接向第三方主张侵权赔偿责任,平台对此不承担任何法律责任;

  • 平台在公开作品时除了署作者姓名外,在作者明示同意的情况下,公开作者联系方式,如邮箱、电话,以便第三方与作者直接联系。

“The future in my eyes” 


Preserving our World Heritage sites

UNESCO, the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization, is a wonderfully diverse organization with the important mission of building peace in the world. This year is the 50th anniversary of the UNESCO World Heritage Convention. The UNESCO Courier, which has the largest and widest-ranging readership of all the journals published by the UN and often focuses on protecting our World Heritage sites and ideals, decided to uphold this tradition with the 4th edition of “The future in my eyes”, to be presented as an online event of The UNESCO Courier WeChat platform for children. 

For this occasion, we will organize the event to let our future leaders and readers participate by sharing ideas about preserving UNESCO World Heritage sites. Furthermore, this year’s edition of “Pencil4Heritage” is about defending our common legacy and therefore we invite the next generation to imagine a way of preserving our World Heritage sites.

How to honor these timeless wonders scattered all over the world? Do you know about the UNESCO World Heritage sites? If you have visited one before, have you heard about the World Heritage Convention? Have you tried to draw the sites you visited?

The drawing needs to depict a way to conserve the World Heritage sites through children's imagination and must express a child’s artistic talent as vividly as possible. The works will be regularly exhibited on social media platforms.

Final submission date: 25 September 2022

How to participate: Please follow the “UNESCOcourier” WeChat public platform and submit your drawing or painting through it, providing your name, age and the location of your school. The file size should be no more than 1M in jpg, png, or tif format. Or send to email wechat.unescocourier@gmail.com.

Publishing period: Until late September 2022.

Activity statement:This activity is non-profit and the UNESCO Courier WeChat public platform is the sole organizer and interpreter. The UNESCO Courier WeChat public platform explains this activity as follows:

  • The person who submits the work must have completed the original artwork independently, and guaranteeing that he or she has infringed upon the copyrights of any third parties; 

  • Submission of the artwork authorizes the platform to utilize the artwork free of any charge; 

  • The platform does not assume any responsibility if the creator’s copyright is infringed upon by acts such as the reprinting of their artwork by third parties; 

  • Works published on the platform may not be reproduced or used for commercial purposes by any third party. If such cases occur, the creator may directly claim infringement liability by the third party, and the platform will not bear any legal responsibilities in such cases; 

  • When works are published by the platform, the creator’s name will be published alongside their work. Should the creator give the platform express consent to do so, their contact information (e.g. e-mail, telephone number) will also be disclosed so that any third parties may directly contact the creator.




To promote UNESCO's mandate. 《信使》杂志是联合国教科文组织1948年创办的旗舰性期刊,传播组织理念,倡导文明对话。