
文摘   2025-02-04 10:04   北京  
ICZN Commissioner elections

From: Secretary, ICZN <iczn@nus.edu.sg>

Sent: Wednesday, January 22, 2025 1:08 AM

Subject: 2025 ICZN Commissioner Election Announcement


Dear Zoologist,

On 29 December 2023, the International Commission on Zoological Nomenclature published a call for nominations for new members to fill eight vacancies left open by Commissioners 



M. Bertling† (Germany; Ichnotaxa), M.J. Grygier (Taiwan; Crustacea), J. Kojima (Japan; Hymenoptera), M. Kottelat (Switzerland; Pisces), F.-T. Krell (USA; Coleoptera), S.O. Kullander (Sweden; Pisces), R. Pyle (USA; Pisces) and Z.-Q. Zhang (New Zealand; Acari). The call for nominations and information regarding the election can be found at (https://www.biotaxa.org/bzn/article/view/84944).

At the close of nominations on 31 October 2024, the ICZN Secretariat received a total of 27 nominations. According to Bylaw 1 (3)(c), which states "[t]he Commission shall endeavour to nominate, wherever possible, two candidates for each vacancy. The slate shall not contain more than twice the number of names required to fill the vacancies.", a total of 16 candidates have been selected by the ICZN Elections Committee to be placed on the slate of nominees for the election to be held over a 24-hour period on 17 February 2025 (00:00 to 23:59 UTC). The 16 candidates in alphabetical order are as follows:


 1) Nesrine Akkari (Austria; Myriapoda), 2) Tracy Aze (UK; Micropalaeontology), 3) Mario Cupello (Brazil; Coleoptera), 4) Gimo Daniel (South Africa; Coleoptera), 5) Michael Engel (USA; Paleontology), 6) Ronald Fricke (Germany; Ichthyology), 7) Stephen Gaimari (USA; Diptera), 8) Daniel Lauretta (USA; Cnidaria), 9) Takafumi Nakano (Japan; Hirudinology), 10) Rohan Pethiyagoda (Sri Lanka; Ichthyology), 11) Jurate de Prins (Belgium; Lepidoptera), 12) Rusłan Sałamatin (Poland; Helminths), 13) Elie Saliba (France; Nomenclatural Theory), 14) Glenn Shea (Australia; Herpetology), 15) Ellen Strong (USA; Mollusks), and 16) Mark Young (UK; Paleontology).

The election consists of a two-step process. Step 1 is to self-register by filling out a registration form. Self-registration opens on 27 January 2025 (watch for an announcement with the link) and will close on 12 February 2025. Only those who completely fill out the form will be allowed to vote. Step 2 is to cast your ballot over the 24-hour period on 17 February 2025 using electionbuddy.


Results of the ICZN Commissioner Election will be announced on the ICZN website (ICZN homepage https://www.iczn.org/) soon after the results have been tabulated.


ICZN Secretariat

Dr. Alex Figueroa

Research Fellow/Executive Secretary

International Commission on Zoological Nomenclature (ICZN) Secretariat

c/o Lee Kong Chian Museum of Natural History

2 Conservatory Drive

Singapore 117377

Republic of Singapore

(Tel.) (+65) 6516 8364 | (Fax) (+65) 6774 8101

Dear Zoologist,

On 22 January 2025, the International Commission on Zoological Nomenclature sent out an announcement for its Election of Commissioners to be held over a 24-hour period on 17 February 2025. The announcement can be found on the ICZN homepage (https://www.iczn.org/).

Registration to participate in the election is now open. To self-register, you must fill out the registration form here (registration form https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeu3MukgLJ3Txs4m2wg5_VbVNJWvWZUniXxS4of5ZwI7SWSog/viewform?pli=1). Please note that only those who completely fill out the form will be allowed to vote. Self-registration will close on 12 February 2025.




I have just sent the following to all our co-authors, but you as the core authors of our BioScience papers, should get this, too – in case you are interested in the upcoming elections of ICZN Commissioners:

Dear Colleagues,

This is a letter I am sending to all co-authors of our 2024 BioScience paper on protecting stable nomenclatural systems. It is most relevant for the zoologists amongst us.

The ICZN will hold elections for new Commissioners this month (February). Some of the candidates are co-authors of our BioScience paper (Gimo Daniel, Michael Engel, Stephen Gaimari, Rohan Pethiyagoda, Eli Saliba, Glenn Shea, Mark Young). This does not mean that the other candidates are worse or that our co-authors should be preferred. I just wanted to point out that these people supported our effort last year.

Below you find the announcement from the ICZN Secretariat that registration for the election is open (till 12 February), followed, by the previous general announcement of the elections, which will happen on 17 February. Please vote if you are interested in or affected by zoological nomenclature.

Frank Krell (former Commissioner).




ICZN将于本月(2月)举行新委员的选举。部分候选人是我们的《BioScience》论文的合著者(Gimo Daniel、Michael Engel、Stephen Gaimari、Rohan Pethiyagoda、Eli Saliba、Glenn Shea、Mark Young)。这并不意味着其他候选人不够优秀,或者我们的合著者应被优先考虑。我只是想指出,这些人在去年支持了我们的努力。


Frank Krell(前委员)。


一、亲子功能。展示宝宝的绘画作品,将来可能也有书法作品及其他手工作品。这属于小家庭的自娱自乐。 二、昆虫世界。主要是关于天牛的书籍、论文、物种、趣事等等的介绍。这属于个人的兴趣爱好和小圈子里跟同好的共享。