[1] 有关数据摘自Developments in Audit 2021: FRC |November 2021
[2] 有关数据摘自Developments in Audit 2021: FRC |November 2021
[3] The IAASB’s Work Plan for 2022‒2023: A Public Interest Focus in Uncertain Times,正在等待公共利益监督委员会的批准,IAASB预计2022年4月初批准。
[4] “责任限制协议”在英国存在,在其他国家也比较普遍。
1. Independent Review of the Financial Reporting Council | December 2018,
2.Statutory audit services market study Final report: CMA | 18 April 2019,
3. Independent Review of the Quality and Effectiveness of Audit| December 2019,
4. The Future of Audit, House of Commons, BEIS Committee|26 March 2019
5. Restoring trust in audit and corporate governance, Consultation on the government’s proposals by the Secretary of State for Business, Energy, and Industrial Strategy by Command of Her Majesty | March 2021,
6. Market Study on Statutory Audit Services, Initial consultation on recommendations by the Competition and Markets Authority: Department for Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy | 13 September 2019,
7. Independent Review of The Financial Reporting Council, Initial consultation on the recommendations: Department for Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy | 11 June 2019,
8. Corporate Reporting Consultation Document: Strengthening of the Quality of Corporate Reporting and its Enforcement. European Commission | 12 November 2021
9.Letter for Achieving high quality audits consistently: FRC| 8 November 2019,
10.Written evidence submitted by The Investment Association | August 2020.
11.Written evidence submitted by the Financial Reporting Council | September 2020,
12.Consultation Document, Proposed Revisions to the Audit Firm Governance Code: FRC | August 2021,
13.Audit Quality Practice aid for audit committees: FRC | December 2019,
14.Report and Financial Statements for The Year Ended 31March 2020, HC403: FRC,
15.What Makes a Good Audit? | November 2021,
16.The IAASB’s Work Plan for 2022‒2023: A Public Interest Focus in Uncertain Times: IAASB| December 2021,
17.IAASB Strategy For 2020–2023,
18. Objectives, Outcomes and regulation Operational-separation-principles |February-2021,
19.Written evidence submitted by the Impact Investing Institute | September 2020,
20.Written evidence submitted by the Association of Practicing Accountants (APA) | June 2020,
21.Written evidence submitted by Pensions and Investment Research Consultants | August 2020,
22.Written evidence submitted by Ernst & Young LLP | August 2020,
23.Written evidence submitted by Deloitte | September 2020,
24.Written evidence submitted by ICAEW | August 2020,
25.Written evidence by the Competition and Markets Authority | October 2020,
26.Developments in Audit 2021: FRC |November 2021,
27.FRC consultation on proposed amendments to the Audit Enforcement Procedure, FRC response | December 2021,
28.A post-Covid crash is looming – and Britain’s auditors are asleep at the wheel: The Guardian | August 2021,
29.Audit reforms risk failure, blue-chip chiefs tell minister: The Daily Telegraph | 8 July 2021,
30.Long wait for meaningful audit reform goes on: The Herald | 23 March 2021,
31.New UK business minister promises to "get ball rolling" on audit reform: Reuters News | 19 January 2021
32.UK to Speed Up Big Four Audit Reform -FT: Dow Jones Institutional News | 13 January 2021,
33.New Business Secretary Kwarteng maps out path to reform for audit industry: The Daily Telegraph |13 January 2021,