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云里编者按:本期受编辑部委托,分享一则中国史领域中重要英文学术期刊(Chinese History Review)的征稿启事。欢迎国内外历史学者们投稿!





The Chinese Historical Review (《中國歷史評論》) 是一份雙盲同行評審的英文學術期刊,乃在美中國史學家學會(Chinese Historians in the United States)的會刊;每年兩期,由勞特利奇(Routledge)Taylor&Francis出版集團出版發行。本刊旨在發表有關中國史研究領域內的最新成果,內容覆蓋中國的政治、社會、法律和性別;中國與東亞、中亞、東南亞、西亞北非、非洲、歐洲、美洲以及其他地區的歷史關係;中國的藝術與宗教;中國物質文化、醫療與環境;海外華人和華人社區;以及中外比較歷史研究。





本刊在收稿、評審、采稿、校對、刊印等環節都會跟作者保持及時溝通。如若垂詢相關事宜,請發送郵件到主編的電子郵箱 ychwang@udel.edu 即可。


主編: Yuanchong Wang 王元崇 ( 美國特拉華大學)

副主編 (帝制中國): Ping Yao 姚平 (美國加州州立大學洛杉磯分校);Shoufu Yin 殷守甫(加拿大英屬哥倫比亞大學)

副主編(晚期帝制中國):Ying Zhang 張穎(荷蘭萊頓大學); Tristan Brown 張仲思 (美國麻省理工學院)

副主編 (20世紀中國):Covell Meyskens 柯尚哲 (美國海軍研究所);Koji Hirata 平田康治 (澳大利亞莫納什大學)

副主編(書評): Xiaofei Kang 康笑菲 (美國喬治華盛頓大學);Shuang Wen 溫爽(中國上海紐約大學

Call for Papers: 

The Chinese Historical Review

Print ISSN: 1547-402X; Online ISSN: 2048-7827

Two Issues per Year

The Chinese Historical Review (CHR) is a fully refereed and rigorously edited transnational journal of history, with issues appearing in May and November each year. The journal is published in English and is included in the following digital indexes: Bibliography of Asian Studies, European Reference Index for the Humanities (ERIH), and Scopus. CHR is published by Routledge of the Taylor & Francis Group on behalf of Chinese Historians in the United States (CHUS). It is available both in a printed edition and online.

The journal publishes original research on the history of China from imperial to contemporary periods, including Chinese politics, society, law, and gender; China’s historical relations with East Asia, Inner/Central Asia, Southeast Asia, Europe, America, and other parts of the world; Chinese arts and religions; Chinese material culture, medicine, and environment; overseas Chinese communities; and China-related comparative studies of history. The journal welcomes papers that embrace multiple perspectives and multilingual materials involving English, Chinese, Korean, Japanese, Russian, Mongolian, Tibetan, Manchu, and Persian. The journal does not publish fiction, poems, or novels.

The current editorial board constitutes nine experts in different subfields of Chinese and East Asian history, including editor-in-chief Dr. Yuanchong Wang (The University of Delaware, USA) and eight associate editors. The associate editors for imperial China are Dr. Ping Yao (California State University, Los Angeles, USA) and Dr. Shoufu Yin (The University of British Columbia, Canada); the associate editors for late imperial China are Dr. Tristan Brown (Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA), Dr. Ying Zhang (Leiden University, the Netherlands); the associate editors for 20th-century China are Dr. Koji Hirata (Monash University, Australia) and Dr. Covell Meyskens (Naval Postgraduate School, USA); and the associate editors for book reviews are Dr. Xiaofei Kang (George Washington University, USA) and Dr. Shuang Wen (NYU Shanghai, China).

The journal uses Routledge’s Submission Portal to manage the submission process. Please go to https://www.tandfonline.com/journals/ytcr20 to submit your manuscripts. The journal does not accept unsolicited book reviews.  Inquiries shall be sent to the editor-in-chief at ychwang@udel.edu.

Printed books for review shall be sent to one of the two editors: new English titles to Dr. Kang and new Chinese titles to Dr. Wen. E-books are encouraged to be sent to Dr. Kang at xkang@gwu.edu  and Dr. Wen at sw141@nyu.edu.

Dr. Xiaofei Kang

Department of Religion

George Washington University

2147 F Street, NW

Washington DC 20052

Dr. Shuang Wen

Office W808

New York University Shanghai

567 West Yangsi Road

Pudong New District

Shanghai, China, 200124




王笛 × 许知远 × 朱建:历史与旅行之间的故事!


宋念申:言说“东亚”的可能 ——《发现东亚》(修订版)序言节选



本期排版编辑 华东政法大学 刘 攀
