
文摘   2024-12-17 17:04   广东  

2024年12月5日,深国交非常荣幸地迎来了剑桥大学自然科学专业招生官Dr. Peter Bolgar. 深国交师生利用这次难得的机会,与Dr. Bolgar进行了深入的交流。

首先,深国交负责GT班的老师们在会议室与Dr. Bolgar举行了座谈会。会上,大家提出了自己关心的问题,Dr. Bolgar细致地解答了大家的疑问,全程干货满满。

随后,在深国交院长Mr. Neil Mobsby和教学副院长Mr. Richard Driscoll的陪同下,Dr. Bolgar参观了深国交校园和实验室,称赞学校全面的设施,也了解到了学生在校的学习状态。

最后,Dr. Bolgar在剧场就剑桥大学的招生流程、面试准备,以及大学对申请者的期待等多个方面进行了生动的讲解,学生们在问答环节中的提问也非常精彩。

Dr. Bolgar的来访让大家收获颇多,有效加强了双方的了解,希望未来会有更多交流机会。

English Version:

On December 5, 2024, SCIE had the great honor of welcoming Dr. Peter Bolgar, the admissions officer for Natural Sciences at the university of Cambridge. This was a precious opportunity for both teachers and students at SCIE to engage in in-depth discussions with Dr. Bolgar.

First, Dr. Bolgar had a forum with staff who are involved with the gifted and talented programme in the conference room. During the session, teachers raised their concerns, and Dr. Bolgar provided detailed answers, making it a very informative discussion.

Following this, accompanied by Mr. Neil Mobsby, the Principal of SCIE, and Mr. Richard Driscoll, the Academic Deputy Principal, Dr. Bolgar toured the SCIE campus and laboratories. He praised the school's comprehensive facilities and gained insights into the students' learning environment.

Finally, in the theater, Dr. Bolgar delivered an engaging and informative talk to SCIE students on various aspects such as the admissions process at Cambridge, interview preparation, and what the university is looking for in prospective applicants. The quality of the student questions in the Q and A was as excellent as always.

Dr. Bolgar's visit was highly rewarding and effectively strengthened the understanding between SCIE and Cambridge. We hope for more opportunities for exchange in the future.










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